EN 中文
This project is a demo project for demonstrating how to use Nacos for service discovery in go-doudou RESTful service application. It also shows how to call each other between go-doudou service and spring cloud service.
- Docker for Desktop
- Modern Browser
- CLI tool
- IDE, recommend goland
- Http request tool, recommend httpie
- Start Nacos server in standalone mode
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
➜ nacos git:(master) ✗ docker ps
2e5400f6d085 nacos/nacos-server:v2.0.4 "bin/docker-startup.…" 18 minutes ago Up 18 minutes (healthy)>8848/tcp, :::8848->8848/tcp,>9848/tcp, :::9848->9848/tcp nacos-standalone
- Change to
directory, run below command to start go-doudou service
go mod tidy && go run cmd/main.go
If you see below output log, the service has started successfully
_____ _ _
| __ \ | | | |
| | \/ ___ ______ __| | ___ _ _ __| | ___ _ _
| | __ / _ \ |______| / _` | / _ \ | | | | / _` | / _ \ | | | |
| |_\ \| (_) | | (_| || (_) || |_| || (_| || (_) || |_| |
\____/ \___/ \__,_| \___/ \__,_| \__,_| \___/ \__,_|
INFO[2022-03-12 13:24:31] ================ Registered Routes ================
INFO[2022-03-12 13:24:31] +-------------+--------+-------------------------+
INFO[2022-03-12 13:24:31] | NAME | METHOD | PATTERN |
INFO[2022-03-12 13:24:31] +-------------+--------+-------------------------+
INFO[2022-03-12 13:24:31] | Add | POST | /api/add |
INFO[2022-03-12 13:24:31] | Echo | GET | /api/echo |
INFO[2022-03-12 13:24:31] | GetDoc | GET | /go-doudou/doc |
INFO[2022-03-12 13:24:31] | GetOpenAPI | GET | /go-doudou/openapi.json |
INFO[2022-03-12 13:24:31] | Prometheus | GET | /go-doudou/prometheus |
INFO[2022-03-12 13:24:31] | GetRegistry | GET | /go-doudou/registry |
INFO[2022-03-12 13:24:31] | GetConfig | GET | /go-doudou/config |
INFO[2022-03-12 13:24:31] +-------------+--------+-------------------------+
INFO[2022-03-12 13:24:31] ===================================================
INFO[2022-03-12 13:24:31] Started in 564.738µs
INFO[2022-03-12 13:24:31] Http server is listening on :6060
Now, you can open browser and navigate to http://localhost:8848/nacos, login and click /ServiceManagement/Service List
in sidebar menu, then you can see statsvc
service has been registered to Nacos server.
- Change to
directory, run below command to start spring cloud service
mvn spring-boot:run
If you see below output log, the service has started successfully
2022-03-12 13:32:41.630 INFO 88684 --- [t.remote.worker] com.alibaba.nacos.common.remote.client : [f1bf3cba-e469-43c7-a8b8-83457ee4c153] Notify connected event to listeners.
2022-03-12 13:32:41.706 INFO 88684 --- [ main] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer : Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path '/nacos-service-j'
2022-03-12 13:32:41.723 INFO 88684 --- [ main] c.a.c.n.registry.NacosServiceRegistry : nacos registry, DEFAULT_GROUP nacos-service-j register finished
2022-03-12 13:32:41.727 INFO 88684 --- [ main] c.u.n.NacosServiceJApplication : Started NacosServiceJApplication in 2.751 seconds (JVM running for 3.059)
Now, if you refresh /ServiceManagement/Service List
page, you can see nacos-service-j
service has been registered to Nacos server.
- Test
➜ nacos git:(master) ✗ http http://localhost:6060/api/echo\?s\=go-doudou
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Length: 67
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2022 05:37:43 GMT
Vary: Accept-Encoding
"data": "Hello Nacos Discovery go-doudou"
- Test
➜ nacos git:(master) ✗ http http://localhost:8080/nacos-service-j/add\?x\=50\&y\=20
HTTP/1.1 200
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2022 05:38:38 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
"data": 70