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Merge pull request #5273 from unisonweb/precedence
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Add infix operator precedence rules
  • Loading branch information
runarorama authored Aug 24, 2024
2 parents a1e188b + 8a70414 commit e9ca76f
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Showing 12 changed files with 443 additions and 246 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion parser-typechecker/src/Unison/PrintError.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ import Unison.Syntax.Name qualified as Name (toText)
import Unison.Syntax.NamePrinter (prettyHashQualified0)
import Unison.Syntax.Parser (Annotated, ann)
import Unison.Syntax.Parser qualified as Parser
import Unison.Syntax.Precedence qualified as Precedence
import Unison.Syntax.TermPrinter qualified as TermPrinter
import Unison.Term qualified as Term
import Unison.Type (Type)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1132,7 +1133,7 @@ renderTerm env e =
else fromString s

renderPattern :: Env -> Pattern ann -> ColorText
renderPattern env e = Pr.renderUnbroken . Pr.syntaxToColor . fst $ TermPrinter.prettyPattern env TermPrinter.emptyAc 0 ([] :: [Symbol]) e
renderPattern env e = Pr.renderUnbroken . Pr.syntaxToColor . fst $ TermPrinter.prettyPattern env TermPrinter.emptyAc Precedence.Annotation ([] :: [Symbol]) e

-- | renders a type with no special styling
renderType' :: (IsString s, Var v) => Env -> Type v loc -> s
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71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Syntax/Precedence.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
module Unison.Syntax.Precedence where

import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Unison.Prelude

-- Precedence rules for infix operators.
-- Lower number means higher precedence (tighter binding).
-- Operators not in this list have no precedence and will simply be parsed
-- left-to-right.
infixRules :: Map Text Precedence
infixRules =
Map.fromList do
(ops, prec) <- zip infixLevels (map (InfixOp . Level) [0 ..])
map (,prec) ops

-- | Indicates this is the RHS of a top-level definition.
isTopLevelPrecedence :: Precedence -> Bool
isTopLevelPrecedence i = i == Basement

increment :: Precedence -> Precedence
increment = \case
Basement -> Bottom
Bottom -> Annotation
Annotation -> Statement
Statement -> Control
Control -> InfixOp Lowest
InfixOp Lowest -> InfixOp (Level 0)
InfixOp (Level n) -> InfixOp (Level (n + 1))
InfixOp Highest -> Application
Application -> Prefix
Prefix -> Top
Top -> Top

data Precedence
= -- | The lowest precedence, used for top-level bindings
| -- | Used for terms that never need parentheses
| -- | Type annotations
| -- | A statement in a block
| -- | Control flow constructs like `if`, `match`, `case`
| -- | Infix operators
InfixOp InfixPrecedence
| -- | Function application
| -- | Prefix operators like `'`, `!`
| -- | The highest precedence, used for let bindings and blocks
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data InfixPrecedence = Lowest | Level Int | Highest
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

infixLevels :: [[Text]]
infixLevels =
[ ["||", "|"],
["&&", "&"],
["==", "!==", "!=", "==="],
["<", ">", ">=", "<="],
["+", "-"],
["*", "/", "%"],
["^", "^^", "**"]

-- | Returns the precedence of an infix operator, if it has one.
operatorPrecedence :: Text -> Maybe Precedence
operatorPrecedence op = Map.lookup op infixRules
94 changes: 80 additions & 14 deletions parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Syntax/TermParser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ import Unison.Syntax.NameSegment qualified as NameSegment
import Unison.Syntax.Parser hiding (seq)
import Unison.Syntax.Parser qualified as Parser (seq, uniqueName)
import Unison.Syntax.Parser.Doc.Data qualified as Doc
import Unison.Syntax.Precedence (operatorPrecedence)
import Unison.Syntax.TypeParser qualified as TypeParser
import Unison.Term (IsTop, Term)
import Unison.Term qualified as Term
Expand All @@ -69,9 +70,9 @@ import Prelude hiding (and, or, seq)
Precedence of language constructs is identical to Haskell, except that all
operators (like +, <*>, or any sequence of non-alphanumeric characters) are
left-associative and equal precedence, and operators must have surrounding
whitespace (a + b, not a+b) to distinguish from identifiers that may contain
operator characters (like empty? or fold-left).
left-associative and equal precedence (with a few exceptions), and operators
must have surrounding whitespace (a + b, not a+b) to distinguish from
identifiers that may contain operator characters (like empty? or fold-left).
Sections / partial application of infix operators is not implemented.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -411,9 +412,6 @@ list = Parser.seq Term.list
hashQualifiedPrefixTerm :: (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
hashQualifiedPrefixTerm = resolveHashQualified =<< hqPrefixId

hashQualifiedInfixTerm :: (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
hashQualifiedInfixTerm = resolveHashQualified =<< hqInfixId

quasikeyword :: (Ord v) => Text -> P v m (L.Token ())
quasikeyword kw = queryToken \case
L.WordyId (HQ'.NameOnly n) | nameIsKeyword n kw -> Just ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1033,17 +1031,85 @@ term4 = f <$> some termLeaf
f (func : args) = Term.apps func ((\a -> (ann func <> ann a, a)) <$> args)
f [] = error "'some' shouldn't produce an empty list"

data InfixParse v
= InfixOp (L.Token (HQ.HashQualified Name)) (Term v Ann) (InfixParse v) (InfixParse v)
| InfixAnd (L.Token String) (InfixParse v) (InfixParse v)
| InfixOr (L.Token String) (InfixParse v) (InfixParse v)
| InfixOperand (Term v Ann)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- e.g. term4 + term4 - term4
-- or term4 || term4 && term4
infixAppOrBooleanOp :: (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
infixAppOrBooleanOp = chainl1 term4 (or <|> and <|> infixApp)
-- The algorithm works as follows:
-- 1. Parse the expression left-associated
-- 2. Starting at the leftmost operator subexpression, see if the next operator
-- has higher precedence. If so, rotate the expression to the right.
-- e.g. in `a + b * c`, we first parse `(a + b) * c` then rotate to `a + (b * c)`.
-- 3. Perform the algorithm on the right-hand side if necessary, as `b` might be
-- an infix expression with lower precedence than `*`.
-- 4. Proceed to the next operator to the right in the original expression and
-- repeat steps 2-3 until we reach the end.
infixAppOrBooleanOp :: forall m v. (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
infixAppOrBooleanOp = do
(p, ps) <- prelimParse
-- traceShowM ("orig" :: String, foldl' (flip ($)) p ps)
let p' = reassociate (p, ps)
-- traceShowM ("reassoc" :: String, p')
return (applyInfixOps p')
or = orf <$> label "or" (reserved "||")
orf op lhs rhs = Term.or (ann lhs <> ann op <> ann rhs) lhs rhs
and = andf <$> label "and" (reserved "&&")
andf op lhs rhs = Term.and (ann lhs <> ann op <> ann rhs) lhs rhs
infixApp = infixAppf <$> label "infixApp" (hashQualifiedInfixTerm <* optional semi)
infixAppf op lhs rhs = Term.apps' op [lhs, rhs]
-- To handle a mix of infix operators with and without precedence rules,
-- we first parse the expression left-associated, then reassociate it
-- according to the precedence rules.
prelimParse =
chainl1Accum (InfixOperand <$> term4) genericInfixApp
genericInfixApp =
(InfixAnd <$> (label "and" (reserved "&&")))
<|> (InfixOr <$> (label "or" (reserved "||")))
<|> (uncurry InfixOp <$> parseInfix)
shouldRotate child parent = case (child, parent) of
(Just p1, Just p2) -> p1 < p2
_ -> False
parseInfix = label "infixApp" do
op <- hqInfixId <* optional semi
resolved <- resolveHashQualified op
pure (op, resolved)
reassociate (exp, ops) =
foldl' checkOp exp ops
checkOp exp op = fixUp (op exp)
fixUp = \case
InfixOp op tm lhs rhs ->
rotate (unqualified op) (InfixOp op tm) lhs rhs
InfixAnd op lhs rhs ->
rotate "&&" (InfixAnd op) lhs rhs
InfixOr op lhs rhs ->
rotate "||" (InfixOr op) lhs rhs
x -> x
rotate op ctor lhs rhs =
case lhs of
InfixOp lop ltm ll lr
| shouldRotate (operatorPrecedence (unqualified lop)) (operatorPrecedence op) ->
InfixOp lop ltm ll (fixUp (ctor lr rhs))
InfixAnd lop ll lr
| shouldRotate (operatorPrecedence "&&") (operatorPrecedence op) ->
InfixAnd lop ll (fixUp (ctor lr rhs))
InfixOr lop ll lr
| shouldRotate (operatorPrecedence "||") (operatorPrecedence op) ->
InfixOr lop ll (fixUp (ctor lr rhs))
_ -> ctor lhs rhs
unqualified t = Maybe.fromJust $ NameSegment.toEscapedText . Name.lastSegment <$> (HQ.toName $ L.payload t)
applyInfixOps :: InfixParse v -> Term v Ann
applyInfixOps t = case t of
InfixOp _ tm lhs rhs ->
Term.apps' tm [applyInfixOps lhs, applyInfixOps rhs]
InfixOperand tm -> tm
InfixAnd op lhs rhs ->
let lhs' = applyInfixOps lhs
rhs' = applyInfixOps rhs
in Term.and (ann lhs' <> ann op <> ann rhs') lhs' rhs'
InfixOr op lhs rhs ->
let lhs' = applyInfixOps lhs
rhs' = applyInfixOps rhs
in Term.or (ann lhs' <> ann op <> ann rhs') lhs' rhs'

typedecl :: (Monad m, Var v) => P v m (L.Token v, Type v Ann)
typedecl =
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