Management wrapper for unreliable resources, e.g., another process.
import { ChildProcess, spawn } from 'child_process'
import Unreliable from '@unlib-js/unreliable'
import stopOnExit from '@unlib-js/unreliable/stopOnExit'
import { once } from 'events'
class Proc extends Unreliable<ChildProcess> {
static meta: UnreliableMeta = {
states: {
init: 'init',
starting: 'starting',
startFailed: 'start-failed',
running: 'running',
stopping: 'stopping',
stopped: 'stopped'
stateConf: {
startable: new Set([ 'init', 'start-failed', 'stopped' ]),
stoppable: new Set([ 'running', 'stopping' ]),
abortOnDeath: [ 'starting', 'running' ],
abortOnStartFailure: [ 'running', 'stopped' ]
eventHandlers: {},
deathEvents: [ 'exit' ]
public async start() {
await super.start()
protected async _createAndCheck() {
const proc = spawn('foo', [ 'bar' ])
try {
await once(proc, 'spawn')
} catch (err) {
throw err
return proc
protected _stop() {
async function foo() {
const proc = new Proc
await proc.start()
// Do something with `proc`
await proc.waitForState('stopped')
For example of unreliable daemon, see src/Daemon.test.ts