Nightmare plugin to select nodes by xpath expression.
This will install plugin nightmare-xpath
for Nightmare 3.X:
npm install --save-dev nightmare-xpath
Note: If you are looking for plugin for Nightmare 1.X, then use:
npm install nightmare-xpath@1
const Nightmare = require('nightmare');
const links = await Nightmare()
.xpath('//a[@href]', function (node) {
// We cannot return DOM element to nodejs,
// we must return serializable object or primitive.
// If function is omitted, node.toString() will be used.
return node.href;
console.log(links); // ['']
xpath(selector: string, handler?: (Node: node) => any): Array<any>
Type: string
XPath expression.
Type: function
Optional: Yes
Signature: (Node: node) => any
This function be called on each result of XPathResult
We cannot return DOM element to nodejs,
we must return serializable object or primitive.
If function is omitted, node.toString() will be used.