Implementation of AR + GPS in Unity. This was done in a haste, is not optimized, and is not very cleanly done. GPS seem to be not very accurate, it might be due to issues in our implementation, to issues in AR + GPS, or to other issues.
- AR + GPS Asset
- Playmaker (Not crucial, if used without playmaker just delete folder PlayMaker.)
How to use: Place GPSManager and AR + GPS WebMapLoader on a GameObject in Scene. Trigger GPSManager.InitFromXML at start with:
- A xml of locations obtained from
- A prefabdatabase of prefabs, one for each location. Make sure the MeshID corresponds to the location name in the xml
Since GPS isn't very accurate, and jumps around a lot depending on local circumstances, we use the average of the past n gps locations to determine the location we place our prefab on. GPS gets more accurate over time, so let it run for a while before getting the average.
You get the average of a location by calling GPSManager.GetFirstLocation with the name of the location (MeshID) which returns a Vector.