A small collection of tips and tricks for Mac FEDs. This is just a collection of notes for my presentation, so some of these things may not make sense on their own.
- Brief intro to how macs handle apps vs windows
- 3 finger up: show all windows and spaces
- 3 finger down: show windows for currently active app
- 3 finger swipe: show other spaces
- 4 finger expand - show desktop
- 4 finger pinch: show launchpad
- while hovering over app in dock - 2 finger swipe up; show windows for app
- ⌘ is the Command/Cmd () key
- ⌃ is the Control/Ctrl/Ctl key
- ⌥ is the Option/Opt (alt) key
- ⇧ is the Shift key
- fn is the Function key
- Cmd+Q: Quit app
- Cmd+W: Close window
- Cmd+Opt+W: Close all windows for app
- Cmd+M: Minimize window
- Cmd+H: Hide app (not minimize)
- fade app in dock: defaults write com.apple.Dock showhidden -boolean yes; killall Dock
- Cmd+Tab: App switcher
- Cmd+` (tilde): Window switcher in current app
- Cmd+Space: Alfred OR Spotlight
- Cmd+,: Preferences, in most apps
- MacOS Dragging
- Stacks
- Spacebar quick look
- Amphetamine (Free): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/amphetamine/id937984704?mt=12
- Freespace ($0.99): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/freespace/id457520846?mt=12
- Trailer (Free): https://ptsochantaris.github.io/trailer/
- Dock spacers (Free): https://github.com/chuckhendo/add-dock-spacer
- Window managers:
- Magnet ($0.99): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/magnet/id441258766?mt=12
- Spectacles (Free): https://www.spectacleapp.com/
- Alfred (Free, $24.24 for Powerpack or $44.65 for lifetime upgrades): https://www.alfredapp.com/
- Clear your clipboard before demonstrating :)
- Cmd+Shift+C: Clipboard history
- File system browsing
- Workflows!
- Git GUIs (trigger warning)
- Sourcetree (Free, requires registration): https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/ (stupid buggy, but powerful)
- Github Desktop (Free): https://desktop.github.com/ (kinda slow, limited functionality)
- Tower ($59.25): https://www.git-tower.com/mac/
- Git support in Visual Studio Code
- Somewhat limited out of the box, extensions in the VSCode section will help
- iTerm vs bash vs zsh vs oh-my-zsh
- Big difference between zsh and bash - powerful autocompletion
- Other shells
- cmd.exe
- PowerShell (now available on Mac)
- oh-my-zsh
- demonstrate tab completion
- Themes (more than just colors): https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Themes
- Plugins (may increase load time): https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Plugins
- Git vs Github
- Git is a standalone thing from Github
- We could use Git without Github altogether by:
- Using TFS Git, Bitbucket, or Gitlab (among many, many others)
- Connecting directly to a "remote" repo
- Just using it locally and never pushing
- Github provides access control and collaboration features
- Git shortcuts in oh-my-zsh: https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Plugin:git
- Ones I typically use:
ga .
(git add .)gc -m "commit message"
(git commit -m "commit message")gp
(git push)gcb branch-name
(git checkoub -b branch-name) - create a new branchgco branch-name
(git checkout branch-name) - checkout existing branch
- Ones I typically use:
- Github Hub: https://github.com/github/hub
- hub create [repo]
- by default, it will create a repo under your username
- if you prefix with an organization name
, it will create it under that org
- hub clone [repo]
- Same rules as above
- Example:
hub clone unumux/willow
- hub browse
- hub create [repo]
- Tab completions
- tab twice to get a list of all completions
- continue hitting tab to cycle through options OR use arrow keys
- ctrl+c - cancel command (or clear line if nothing is running)
- ctrl+a / ctrl+e - go to beginning or end of line
- Command History
- Up Arrow
- ctrl+r
- Clear screen vs clear buffer
- now scroll up- cmd+k - clears buffer
- nvm: https://github.com/creationix/nvm
- Homebrew: https://brew.sh/
- Cask: https://caskroom.github.io/ (undecided on whether to use this)
- open command
- take command
- cmd+click - iTerm links
- iTerm settings (cmd+,)
- Scrollback history
- Profiles, select default profile, click terminal tab, check
Unlimited scrollback
- Profiles, select default profile, click terminal tab, check
- Profiles
- Scrollback history
- alias co=“code .”
- dot files
- .zshrc
- https://dotfiles.github.io/
- Start here: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-tips-and-tricks
- Interactive Playground: Help -> Interactive Playground
- Quick Open: cmd+p
- fuzzy match file names
- type question mark for additional things
- @ - symbol search
- Command Palette: cmd+shift+p
- You can't remember every keyboard shortcut
- Remember the ones you use often, use the Command Palette for everything else
- Terminal: ctrl+` (tilde)
- Power use of find
- Delete multiple instances of string in file (index.html in test-oak-project)
- Regular Expressions
- Icon Themes
- Cmd+Shift+P->icon->Preferences: File Icon Theme
- I use Material Icon Theme
- Seti is another good option
- Key chords:
- Change language mode: cmd+k m (hit cmd+k, and THEN m)
- Close all tabs in current window: cmd+k w
- usually (always?) start with CMD+K
- Keybindings: cmd+shift+p->keyboard->Open Keyboard Shortcuts
- Keybindings that I use:
[ { "key": "shift+cmd+g", "command": "workbench.view.scm" }, { "key": "shift+cmd+r", "command": "workbench.action.tasks.runTask" }, { "key": "cmd+r", "command": "workbench.action.debug.start", "when": "!inDebugMode" }, { "key": "cmd+r", "command": "workbench.action.debug.restart", "when": "inDebugMode" }, { "key": "shift+cmd+s", "command": "git.sync" } ]
- Settings: Global vs Workspace
- Global: Access with Cmd+,
- Some useful global settings
"explorer.openEditors.visible": 0,
"git.confirmSync": false
"git.enableSmartCommit": true
- Git support
- Commits
- Staging
- Undoing
- Handling merge conflicts
- Emmet
- Set "emmet.useNewEmmet": true
- .my-class>.child-class{Content}+.child-sibling{Content 2}
- .my-class>.child-class*5
- .my-class>.child-class-${Content $}*5
- ul.list>li.list-item*5>Lorem
- db / df
- p15
- mt10+mb10
- p15p
- df+fg1+fb100p
- Install by going to the extensions pane, searching for
and installingchuckhendo-vscode-extensions
- List
- Advanced New File: cmd+option+n (may want to change some settings)
- I recommend changing these settings (in your global settings,
) to make this behave a bit better
"newFile.relativeTo": "project", "newFile.showPathRelativeTo": "project"
- I recommend changing these settings (in your global settings,
- Annotator: show who modified lines in a git repo
- Auto Close Tag: If you're not using emmet for whatever reason (maybe using css intellisense), this autocloses tags
- Code Runner: Run bits of code, including individual lines
- Debugger for Chrome: debug scripts running in Chrome. Doesn't currently work with Oak :(
- Git History: Visual Git log
- gitignore: Right click to add files/folders to .gitignore file
- IntelliSense for CSS class names: autocompletion of all css classes in your project
- NPM Intellisense: autocompletion for NPM packages
- Path Intellisense: autocompletion for path names
- Willow Snippets: :)
- Advanced New File: cmd+option+n (may want to change some settings)
- Follow Matt Smith on Github! https://github.com/allthingssmitty and http://allthingssmitty.com/
- Look for "awesome" lists on github
- Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/
- Wes Bos's Command Line Power User: https://commandlinepoweruser.com/
- Free, and just over an hour long