- git clone [this repo]
- bundle install
- cp config/secrets.yml.template config/secrets.yml
- Edit secrets.yml and fill in values
- rake db:migrate
- rake jetty:unzip
- rake configure_jetty
- rake jetty:start
- rails s
Import all *.xml files within a directory:
rake import:ead['path/to/your/ead/files']
rake import:sirsi['path/to/your/sirsi/files']
Import specific EAD files:
rake import:ead['spec/fixtures/sample_ead_files/U_DDH.xml, spec/fixtures/sample_ead_files/U_DAR.xml']
Note that there is not a space between the rake task name and the square bracket that begins the arguments list, and that there are qutoes around the argument list.
Collection records have an associated pdf file that contains the collection catalogue. This is implemented by letting the web server server the files (e.g. webrick in development) and Apache http when deployed. To add some sample pdfs to the public folder of the application:
rake copy:pdf
First, set up an ssh config entry with details about the server name used in the relevant config/deploy/[my-env].rb file. Next, connect to the server via ssh to test the config. Then you can deploy code and update the server with the command
bundle exec cap [my-env] deploy