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Julia Damerow edited this page Sep 8, 2015 · 3 revisions

This document describes what should be tested in the first (alpha) testing phase. Please test in different current browsers (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Safari).

Check Data Quality

One of the first things that need to be tested is if the data was correctly imported from the FileMaker (FM) database. We expect that there will be some discrepancies, and we need your help to find them. To do this, please select random (citation and authority) entries from the original FileMaker database and compare them to entries in the new web application. Please test both the GUI interface (found at /isis) as well as the REST interface (found at /rest).

For each entry pay attention to the following questions:

  • Is all the information displayed in FileMaker also being displayed in the new web application?
  • Is the information displayed in the same way (e.g. are authors displayed in the same order)?

If you find an entry that seems to have issues, please note the id of the entry (you can find the id in the URL) or simply its URL and describe what the issue is (e.g. "authors in FM db are X, Y, Z, but are listed as A, Y, Z in new web application"). If you find that an issue appears across several or all entries, please note a few of the entries that the issue appears in and if you see a pattern describe the pattern (e.g. "all entries that have only one author").

Note (8 September): We are aware that data for the Language field is not being parsed correctly. This will be addressed in the next iteration.

Test Search

Search functionality is only useful if it allows users to quickly find what they are looking for. Please test the search as follows:

  • Select entries from the FM database
  • Try to find those entries in the new web application using the implemented search functionality

If you can't find a certain entry or have trouble finding it, please write down:

  • What entry you were trying to find,
  • what you did to find it,
  • what you expected the application to do/present you with,
  • and what happened instead.

Currently the following fields are indexed and searched in.


  • title
  • description
  • abstract
  • edition details
  • physical details
  • value field of attributes
  • name of related authorities (e.g. author, conbributor, etc.)


  • name
  • description
  • value field of attributes

Note (8 September): We are aware that there is a bug when filtering search results using a facet. If the user is not on the first page of the results, the user might see a 404 error.

Usability Tests

Another important thing we need to pay attention to and watch is the usability of the application. When you use the GUI web application, please note anything that seems odd to you or doesn't feel intuitive. For example, if a button is too small or in a place that doesn't make sense to you please write that down.

If you know how to program, it would also be great if you would use query the database using the REST interface (see link above), and provide us with feedback about its ease of use.


If you encounter very slow response times please let us know. If you have a fast internet connection, the web application should respond very quickly. If certain page loads take an (unacceptable) long time or if the whole application responds slowly it might be a sign of a more severe issue.

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