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Assessment Sessions and Subsessions

ezoupou edited this page Sep 11, 2023 · 3 revisions

I. CNB Sessions and Subsessions

The CNB interface records a "session" with a date and time stamp when you initiate a CNB battery within the WebCNP platform. Ideally, all participants will complete a CNB battery within one "sitting" or during their scheduled assessment time. If for whatever reason the participant cannot complete the CNB in one sitting, you will need to log out of the interface and a subsequent session (subsession) will be recorded the next time you attempt to complete the partially finished CNB assessment battery.

If you choose to QUIT a CNB testing session you will need to click on the “Quit” octagon button after completing a task. This will automatically bring you to the page below indicating that you have quit the battery. You can then close the browser tab. Screen Shot 2023-09-11 at 2 20 07 PM

ProctTrack will automatically mark the remaining tasks as "Skipped" and will auto-populate the comment to indicate that the assessment was quit. You should use the notes box at the end to indicate why the assessment was terminated prematurely.

You should quit a CNB testing session only at appropriate break points, which do not interfere with immediate and delayed memory tasks such as the Penn Facial Memory Test (cpf-2.01). The message “This is a recommended break point” will appear on the continue/quit page presented after you submit the Test Status of a particular CNB test. The message “This is NOT a recommended break point” will indicate you should not take a break at that point of the CNB battery.

II. To return and finish your CNB administration

You can resume an unfinished CNB session if no more than 24 hours have passed since the testing had started, using the session link created after you submitted the demographic page.

If more than 24 hours have passed, the link and session have expired. To resume testing, you will have to re-register the participant. After obtaining a new link, you can skip the tasks already completed to reach the point where you left off testing. To skip a task, you can press the 'Command' and period keys (on Mac) or the 'Control' and period keys (on all other computers). A few notes to keep in mind in those cases:

  1. Make sure to enter the same demographic information that you entered before for your participant (subject ID, battery, and site ID).
  2. After the session, make sure to edit the session Visit ID, under Edit Sessions, to indicate that this is the second session.

Note: Conventions for naming visit IDs are up to your PI. If your study includes multiple visits, each indicated by a visit number, you can indicate the specific session number by adding an underscore followed by the session number. For example, if A participant completed the second visit in two sessions, you could edit the visit ID for the first session as "2_1" and the second session as "2_2".

III. Logging Out of The WebCNP Webpage

To log-out of WebCNP, you must return to the main menu and choose the option Logout. Once you click on Logout, you will be brought to the Log in Administration Page.

ALWAYS LOG OUT in order to safely exit WebCNP and to prevent others from being able to enter the program without authorization.

You can now close the web-browser of WebCNP.

IV. CNB Test Status and CNB Battery Status

After the completion of each task within the battery or even when you skip a task, the prompt below will appear:

This page displays all tests you have already administered to the participant, even those you have skipped. It also tells you whether the participant can take a break (usually of 5 to 15 min) as well as the name of the next upcoming test you will administer. Screen Shot 2023-09-11 at 4 23 35 PM

Note: The picture above depicts a point in the battery where a break is not allowed (i.e., through the message “This is NOT a recommended break point”).

-If the participant can’t continue testing, you may quit, but beware you are doing so at an inappropriate break point, which may invalidate some tests in the battery if they will be completed at another CNB session sitting/subsession.

-You may take a break or quit a battery when you see the message: “This is a recommended break point”. If you quit at an inappropriate time, make sure to comment why you did so in the Notes box on ProctTrack.

Note: The CNB session refers to the entire battery, while subsessions refer to different sittings for the same WebCNP (CNB) session. In other words, a CNB session will have multiple subsessions only if you complete an administration of a battery to the same participant in multiple sittings.

The quality of the data refers to how well you believe the data reflect the participant’s best performance and not whether you think the participant got most of the answers correct for each test. A number 2 or 3 (for the quality of data) should be used if something occurred to distract the participant’s attention or if something interrupted ANY of the tests within the battery (e.g., technical malfunctioning of the computer mouse, a person walking in the room during the administration or the participant responding to questions randomly (without applying himself/herself to the task)). For more scenarios where data is compromised refer to section “Assigning Test Status and Comments”.