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Ahmad Abu-Aysha edited this page Oct 4, 2023 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the wiki!

Just one page at the moment, just to get you started. Expand as needed.

Current UQ MARS website structure and maintenance

The UQ MARS website is currently a completely static (HTML and CSS), template based website that has served its purpose as a stopgap measure at short notice when we needed to migrate the website in a hurry. The intent is that is is rebuilt into something better by the incoming Technical Officer 2024. (See Issue #55).

I did my work manually editing HTML and CSS documents using VSCode and simulating the page using the Live Server VSCode extension to preview the pages I edited.

The role

At the end of 2022 when I took over the role, there wasn't a formal position description for it, and I came into the role with the understanding that I was mainly tasked with maintaining/improving the website. This has some associated responsibility with managing this Github repository. This isn't too involved, and is a good opportunity to learn about using github in a collaborative environment if this is not something you are already familiar with.


  • Learn how to use the issues tab to set up 'to-do' tickets and work on tickets raised by other exec.
  • Encourage other exec to raise issues or propose changes by raising issues. This has the added benefit that you have a record of changes proposed, who proposed them, and why.

Branches and merging

  • Use a separate branch to do development work, and only merge with main (via a pull request, see next point) once you have a stable version ready.
  • Use Pull Requests to seek feedback and review from other exec before you merge with main. Once you merge your work with main, it becomes part of the live website and visible to the world, so extra eyes before you do so is always a good idea.

The new Technical Officer role has some additional responsibilities (as specified in the constitution) which you will be aware of if you applied for and were elected to the role. Don't be afraid to ask other exec for advice or guidance if you're unsure of anything.

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