This repository contains code and results for COVID-19 classification assignment by Deep Learning Spring 2020 course offered at Information Technology University, Lahore, Pakistan. This assignment is only for learning purposes and is not intended to be used for clinical purposes.
Dataset used for this assignment can be found using link blow:
Our task is to fine-tune Fully Connected layers of ResNet-18 and VGG-16 pretrained models by adding two custom layes and freezed other layer then train model on given dataset. And the results are given blow:
ResNet-18 Results after find-tune FC Layers:
VGG-16 Results after find-tune Classifier:
Our task is to fine-tune Fully Connected and classifier layers of ResNet-18 and VGG-16 pretrained models by unfreezing different layes then train model on given dataset. And the results are given blow:
ResNet-18 Results after unfreezing all layers:
VGG-16 Results after unfreezing all layers:
Trained weights for this dataset can be found using this link:
LinkDataset used for this assignment can be found using this link: Link
In this task we are performing multi-class, multi-label classification by implementing focal loss for detecting infections such as COVID-19 among X-Ray images.
ResNet-18 with Binary Cross Entropy loss with logistics:
Confusion Matrix for validation data
VGG-16 with Binary Cross Entropy loss with logistics:
Confusion Matrix for validation data
ResNet-18 with Focal Loss:
Confusion Matrix for validation data
VGG-16 with Focal Loss:
Confusion Matrix for validation data
If we compare all model results then we can clearly see that VGG-16 with binary cross entropy with logistic loss give us good results. The best model and accuracy parameters for this task is
Trained weights for this dataset can be found using this link:Link