We use Gurobi for solving the Integer Linear Programs (ILP) for optical circuit decisions and wavelength schedulings. Gurobi can be installed from its official homepage (and it offers a free academic liscence). However, you may also continue to build without having Gurobi installed at a cost of having the solver replaced by suboptimal preset decisions in optical interconnects. Electrical and fullmesh interconnects have no dependency this package. To build without Gurobi installed, just run:
$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure --without-gurobi
$ make -j$(nproc)
$ sudo make install
If you have Gurobi installed, just change the configure flag to ./configure --with-gurobi LDFLAGS=-L/path/to/gurobi/lib CPPFLAGS=-I/path/to/gurobi/include
in the commands above. We suggest using CPPFLAGS=-isystem/path/to/gurobi/include
instead, to prevent warnings of the gurobi being treated as errors too.
To simulate a tranining job on an electrical interconnect run:
sipml-elect --num_gpus 256 --bw_per_port_Gb 1000 --input_profile INPUT_PROFILE
sipml-ring -g 32 -w 400 -d 16 -s -b ILP -m 10 -i INPUT_PROFILE
to use a ring interconnect. Please check out sipml-ocs --help
and sipml-fullmesh --help
for more interconnects.
Scripts for generating input profiles are available at src/scrips
. Recommended structure of input profiles is as follows:
+ profile_dir
++ model_name_bs1.pb
++ model_name_bs2.pb
++ model_name_bs512.pb
++ model_name_iter.prof
Using the above structure, the format of input_profile
argument will be profile_dir/model_name