This project is a web application built with Django that allows users to upload photos and view their upload history. It provides a simple interface for photo management, enabling users to track their uploads conveniently.
The application satisfies the following user stories:
- As a Port Inspector I want to upload a photo of the beetles and be told the likely species’ of the specimen so I can soundly determine if the shipment can be let through
- As a user I want to be able to look back at my previous identifications and the results I received to guide myself going forward, and to have a record in case clarification or data is needed.
- Backend & Frontend Framework: Django
- Database: Django’s default SQLite
git clone
cd port_inspector
Ensure you have Django installed or install it via pip:
pip install django
Set up the database tables by running:
python3 migrate
Run the following command to start the development server:
python3 runserver
Open a web browser and go to the following link to upload a photo:
To view history, go to the following link: