Visit it at
Website for USD's ACM Club
to run:
- make sure you are in the directory with
- type python runserver in the terminal
- Open up a webpage, type in localhost:8000 in the search bar, as well /insert page to get to a specific page
- on a new terminal, type "cd frontend"
- from frontend, type npm run dev to get live code updates
If the page is not updating changes you make to the code, use CTRL Shift R.
to create a new page:
- on acm-website/frontend/src/components/Pages, create a JS file with the react component you intend to render (
- on the top of your JS file, include the line "import React, { Component } from 'react';"
- on the bottom of your JS file, include the line "export default componentName"
- next, go to Routes.js on the /components/App folder, and import the created component
- inside the statement of the Routes component, create a new Route and specify its path using
- include your react component inside this route and close the route
- next, go to frontend/ and include the path using path('path/', index) inside the urlpatterns array