SEW | JavaScript Basics
As a bank employee, I want to use a coin converter app, so that I can save time and serve more customers.
- the function
is available, which converts a given amount of cent into as few as possible coins - the result is an object, which shows the amount of coins per value, e.g. { '100': 1, '50': 1, '20': 2, '5': 1, '2': 2 }
- only used values are represented within the resulting object
As a security expert I want to encrypt and decrypt strings, so that I can have a secure conversation with my counterpart.
- A function rot13(text) is available.
- The given string is encrypted using the ROT13 method.
- Upper- and lower-case are kept.
- Letters and signs outside of the English alphabet are kept.
- If the argument is no string, it needs to be converted into a string.
- If the function is used twice on a string, it should produce the same string again.
As a content creator I need an easy to use system to sort an array in lexical order, so that I can created sorted list much faster.
- A function that takes an array of string as a parameter is available.
- The result is an array consisting of the same strings as the input array, only sorted in lexical order
- Hint: take a look at the string method: localeCompare()
As a developer I want to filter an array, so that only even numbers are in the result.
- A function that takes an array of numbers as a parameter is available.
- The result is an array consisting only of even numbers
As a software tester I want to test certain functions, so that I can be sure that they produce the right result.
- A function test(fu, arg, exp) is available, where fu is the function which needs to be tested, arg are the arguments for fu, and exp is the expected return value.
- The function test calls the function fu using arg as argument.
- The return value of fu is compared with exp and if they match true is returned, otherwise false is returned.
As a cool developer I want to create generic code, so that I can be minimize my coding effort.
- A function generate(op) is available.
- The parameter op can be one of the four basic mathematic operations +, -, * or /.
- generate returns a new function, which then can be called with two numbers as parameters.
- The given mathematic operation is performed on the two numbers.
- Example:
- const mult = generate('*')
- console.log(mult(3, 4)) // the value is 12 printed on the console