As a web designer, I want to be able to convert different RGB color notations into one another.
- A JS Module is available, which exports the following functions as named exports:
rgbToHex(r, g, b)
Converts RGB values to a hex value (e.g.12,160,52 -> #0ca034
). -
Converts a rgb() functional notation to a hex value. Each value could either be a number or a percentage (e.g."rgb(187,22%,88)" -> #bb3858
). -
hexToRgb(hex, isPercentage)
Converts a hex value to a rgb() functional notation, either with number or percentage values.
- A simple JS Script is available, which tests the modules functions.
As a web developer, I want to perform automatic conversion between different color notations.
- A function accepts a color in any of the supported formats (see User Story 1) and converts it in the desired output format.
- The function is part of a JS Module and exported using a default export.
- A simple JS Script is available, which tests the function.
Previous User Story 2 (for all of you, who have started working already, otherwise you can implement the new User Story 2)
As a web developer, I want to easily save a color and get different RGB color notations.
- A JS Module is available, which exports a JS Class as default.
- The constructor accepts a color either in hex or in rgb() functional notation.
- The class has three methods which return the color as hex value, as rgb() with number values and as rgb() with percentage values.
- The class uses the helper functions of User Story 1.
- A simple JS Script is available, which runs tests the module.