SEW | Registrationform
As an admin, I need validation within the registration form, so that I am sure to have validated data from my users.
- A registration form using VueJS is created.
- The following fields are present (all fields marked with * are mandatory):
- Firstname*
- Lastname*
- E-Mail* (must have a valid format)
- Birthday*
- Phonenumber
- Password* (at least 3 characters)
- Password repeat (must match the first password field)
- Initially no error messages are displayed.
- Inputs are immediately validated, not only on submitting the form.
- In case of a validation error a meaningful error message is presented to the user.
- An error message is displayed for every input field.
- The submit button is only clickable, if there are no errors in the registration form.
- Use the library vuelidate for validation.