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rt0-logger 2.1.2

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @raythurnvoid/rt0-logger@2.1.2
Install via package.json:
"@raythurnvoid/rt0-logger": "2.1.2"

About this version







npm i @raythurnevoid/rt0-logger


  1. Create a log.ts file:
import { buildLogger } from "@raythurnevoid/rt0-logger/browser.js";
import type { Config } from "@raythurnevoid/rt0-logger/types.js";

const config: Config = {
	logLevel: "debug",

export const Log = buildLogger(() => config);

export type Log = InstanceType<typeof Log>;
  1. Use your new logger:
import { Log } from "./log.js";

const log = new Log("path/to/module.ts");`Hello World}`);
log.i(`Hello World}`);


[path/to/module.ts] [INFO] Hello World
[path/to/module.ts] [INFO] Hello World

Log levels

You can use any of these methods to log:"info message");
log.i("info message");
// [path/to/module.ts] [INFO] info message

log.debug("debug message");
log.d("debug message");
// [path/to/module.ts] [DEBUG] debug message

log.warn("warn message");
log.w("warn message");
// [path/to/module.ts] [WARN] warn message

log.error("error message");
log.e("error message");
// [path/to/module.ts] [ERROR] error message"fail message");
log.f("fail message");
// [path/to/module.ts] [FAIL] fail message

log.success("success message");
log.s("success message");
// [path/to/module.ts] [SUCCESS] success message

log.raw("raw message");
log.r("raw message");
// raw message

Sub loggers

You can also create a new logger with additional context:

const sub = log.sub(":method");

log.i("info message");
// [path/to/module.ts:method] [INFO] info message

buildLogger configuration

buildLoggeraccept an optional function in input that should return a configuration object with the following optional properties:


Type: "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "none"

The minimum log level to log.

The log levels follow this hierarchy: "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "none".

The defined level will disable all the logs on the left of the hierarchy.

The default value is "debug".


import { buildLogger } from "@raythurnevoid/rt0-logger";
const Log = buildLogger(() => {
	return {
		logLevel: "info",
const log = new Log("my-module");
log.debug("Hello World");
// Won't be logged"Hello World");
// Will be logged


This function will be called before the log is printed.

it must return one of the following:

  • An object with the args property to override the arguments passed to the default logger (console["log" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "debug"]).
  • An object with the logger property to override the logger used to print the log.

hook function input

  • args: any[]

    Arguments that will be used by default to bind the console functions when the hooks doesn't return an object with the logger property.

    const log = new Log("my-module");"Hello", "World");
    // args = ["my-module", "[INFO]"]
  • level: "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "success" | "fail"

    The log level."Hello World");
    // level = "info"
  • label?: string

    The label of the logger.

    const log = new Log("my-module");"Hello World");
    // label = "my-module"

hook function return

The hook function can return one of the following:

  • args: any[]

    Arguments that will be used by to bind the console functions.

    import { buildLogger } from "@raythurnevoid/rt0-logger";
    const Log = buildLogger(() => {
    return {
    	hook: () => {
    		return {
    			args: ["[custom-arg]"]
    const log = new Log("my-module");"Hello World");
    // will log: ["[custom-arg]", "Hello World"]
  • logger: (...args: any[]) => any

    The logger that will overwrite the default one.

    This function will be called with the arguments set by the user.

    import { buildLogger } from "@raythurnevoid/rt0-logger";
    const Log = buildLogger(() => {
    	return {
    		hook: () => {
    			return {
    				logger: (...args) => {
    					// The args are ["Hello", "World"]
    					console.log("custom logger");
    const log = new Log("my-module");"Hello", "World");
    // will log: "custom logger"


rt0-logger can colorize your log levels using chalk by replacing @raythurnevoid/rt0-logger/browser.js with @raythurnevoid/rt0-logger/node:

import { buildLogger } from "@raythurnevoid/rt0-logger/node.js";

Colors don't make sense in browser environment and will just increase the size of your bundle.

The colors used by this package are exported in the @raythurnevoid/rt0-logger/colors.js module.

Log errors including cause in the stack trace

import { Log } from "./log.js";
import { getErrorStackWithCause } from "@raythurnevoid/rt0-logger/utils.js";

const log = new Log("path/to/module.ts");

try {
	throw new Error("Failed to do things");
} catch (e) {
	try {
		throw new Error("Failed to handle error");
	} catch (e) {
		const error = new Error("Scary error", {
			cause: e as Error,



[path/to/module.ts] [ERROR] Error: Scary error
    at Object.<anonymous> (path/to/module.ts:11:11)
Caused by: Error: Failed to handle error
    at Object.<anonymous> (path/to/module.ts:8:11)
Caused by: Error: Failed to do things
    at Object.<anonymous> (path/to/module.ts:5:11)



  • rt0-logger-2.1.2.tgz

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