- Setup the following repository in your composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/ushahidi/platform-sdk-php"
- Install using
composer require ushahidi/platform-sdk-php:dev-master
$client = new \PlatformSDK\Ushahidi('', '5');
$result = $client->getAvailableSurveys()
// $result will be an associative array with the response
$client = new \PlatformSDK\Ushahidi('', '5');
// $id is the survey ID which you can get from the list of available surveys
$result = $client->getSurvey($id);
// $result will be an associative array with the response
$client = new \PlatformSDK\Ushahidi('', '5');
$result = $client->createPost($array)
// $result will be an associative array with the response