The tool is created to have a more convenient way to see MySQL processlist, with time-bases descending order, ability to stop/resume refreshing the list, and a way to save some queries to a SQL log file to analyze them later.
- Go v1.20+
You can run the following command to build the ./bin/mysql-ps binary
make build
Run the following to build and archive the program and its .env
make tar
To run the compiled binary, you need to have proper MySQL DSN and credentials. If you have a ~/.my.cnf, the application will try to use it. Alternatively, you can configure the following env variables (or put them in the .env file):
, default -tcp(
Refresh interval and enabling mouse interaction can be done using the CLI arguments:
-d, --database stringArray Databases list to filter by; example - -d b1 -d db2
-h, --help help for this command
-i, --interval int Refresh interval in seconds (default 2)
-m, --mouse Enable mouse interaction
There a several shurtcuts to use while using the application - hints will be shown on the top ot the progream screen
- P - pause/resume refreshing the process-list (when paused, the statusbar border color will change to yellow)
- S - show/hide system queries
- Q - exit the program (no additional questions asked)
- Enter - when pressed on a process list line, will show the full SQL query in the bottom preview area
- Esc - when the preview area is visible, pressing Esc will hide it
- ? - press to show the shortcut hints
- L - when viewing the full SQL query, press L to switch back to the process-list area (without hiding the preview)
- V - open it and switch to the preview area
- Ctrl+S - clean the saved-queries file (queries.sql) and save the currently selected process-list line to it
- Ctrl+A - append the currently selected process-list line to the existing log file, or create the file if it is missing