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Daniel Coelho edited this page Apr 27, 2022 · 6 revisions

Note: This section is only for Utrust team members or external collaborators with permissions.

We should aim to always publish the release in Magento Marketplace and GitHub repository.

Publish on GitHub

Therefore, to release a new version of the current code on the master branch, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Checkout from master to a branch with the version name (e.g.: release-v0.1.3)
  2. Update the version on etc/module.xml line 3
  3. Update the version on composer.json line 4
  4. Update with all the significant changes since the last version update
  5. Open Pull-request, ask for approval and merge to master (Don't delete the branch!)
  6. Download and Zip the codebase with the name utrust-for-magento-2_v<version-number>.zip
  7. Go to "Releases" and create a new Release:
    1. The tag version and release title should be the release version (e.g. release-v0.1.2)
    2. The target branch is the one created in step 1.
    3. Copy the version changes from the
    4. Upload the new utrust-for-magento-2_v<version-number>.zip to the attachments
    5. Click Publish release
  8. Optionally, send a message to the Utrust Support team to communicate this new release to Merchants which use Magento.

Publish on Magento marketplace

  1. Go to Magento Developer and sign-in.
  2. Select the Utrust Payments extension for Magento 2.
  3. Click on Submit a New Version.
  4. Input the new release version and proceed.
  5. Grab the zip from the GitHub release, unzip it, open folders Utrust and Payment, zip again (we need the root of the zip to have the composer.json file).
  6. Submit this new zip for technical review and submit it.
  7. After review, it might take a few days, it should be automatically shown on the Marketplace.
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