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kylebd99 committed Dec 7, 2023
1 parent ad78dcb commit 920f1c4
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 139 deletions.
139 changes: 0 additions & 139 deletions Source/ColorSummary.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -235,76 +235,6 @@ end
return min(1.0, 5.0 * summary.total_edges / summary.total_nodes ^ 2)

# approximates the probability of a cycle existing based on the starting color of the path to be closed and the
# directionality of the path that will be closed
function get_start_color_cycle_likelihoods(max_cycle_size::Int, data::DataGraph, color_hash; num_samples_per_color::Int=0)
# right now the color hash is a mapping of node -> color, but we want to invert that:
color_nodes_mapping::Dict{Int, Vector{Int}} = Dict()
for node in keys(color_hash)
if (!haskey(color_nodes_mapping, color_hash[node]))
color_nodes_mapping[color_hash[node]] = []
push!(color_nodes_mapping[color_hash[node]], node)

cycle_likelihoods::Dict{Int, Dict{Vector{Bool}, Float64}} = Dict() # [c1][bool_path] = likelihood
# basically the same as the other method, except the query graph should now have a set of data labels attached to it

for color in keys(color_nodes_mapping)
cycle_likelihoods[color] = Dict()
for size in 2: max_cycle_size
paths = generate_graphs(size - 1, 0, (Vector{DiGraph})([DiGraph(size)]), false)
for path_query in paths
cycle = copy(path_query.graph)
add_edge!(cycle, nv(cycle), 1)
if (ne(cycle) == 1)
# accounts for case where the two edges from one node
# point to the same destination node
cycle_query = QueryGraph(cycle)
current_starting_nodes = nothing
if !(num_samples_per_color === 0)
sample_size = min(num_samples_per_color, length(color_nodes_mapping[color]))
current_starting_nodes = sample(color_nodes_mapping[color], sample_size, replace=false)
numCycles::Float64 = get_exact_size(cycle_query, data, max_partial_paths=max_partial_paths)
numPaths::Float64 = get_exact_size(path_query, data, max_partial_paths=max_partial_paths)
bool_representation = convert_path_graph_to_bools(path_query.graph)
if (numPaths == 0)
println("issue with start color cycle likelihood")
likelihood = numCycles / numPaths
cycle_likelihoods[color][bool_representation] = likelihood
return cycle_likelihoods

# gets the directed path from the start to finish node
function get_matching_graph(start::Int, finish::Int, query::QueryGraph)
# convert the graph to be undirected
graph_copy = Graph(copy(query.graph))
rem_edge!(graph_copy, start, finish)
# get a path from the start to finish node
edges = a_star(graph_copy, start, finish)
# currently assumes the edges go in order of the path,
# will have to debug through and see if it works
new_graph = DiGraph(length(edges) + 1)
current_start = 0
for edge in edges
current_start += 1
if src(edge) in outneighbors(query.graph, dst(edge))
# this is a backwards edge
add_edge!(new_graph, current_start + 1, current_start)
# this is a forwards edge
add_edge!(new_graph, current_start, current_start + 1)
return new_graph

function join_table_cycle_likelihoods(g::DataGraph, color_hash, cycle_size::Int, max_partial_paths)
# define a specific_edge as [n1, n2, c1, c2, d]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,33 +331,6 @@ function join_table_cycle_likelihoods(g::DataGraph, color_hash, cycle_size::Int,
return cycle_likelihoods, cycle_length_likelihoods

# approximates the probability of a cycle existing based on the directionality of the path that will be closed
function get_cycle_likelihoods(max_size::Int, data::DataGraph, num_sample_nodes)
# we map the path that needs to be closed to its likelihood
# of actually closing
cycle_likelihoods::Dict{Vector{Bool}, Float64} = Dict()
if (max_size < 2)
return cycle_likelihoods
for i in 2:max_size
println("Generating Cycles of Size: ", i)
paths = generate_graphs(i - 1, 0, (Vector{DiGraph})([DiGraph(i)]), false)
for path in paths
cycle = copy(path.graph)
add_edge!(cycle, nv(cycle), 1)
if (ne(cycle) == 1)
# accounts for case where the two edges from one node
# point to the same destination node
cycleGraph = QueryGraph(cycle)
likelihood = approximate_cycle_likelihood(path, cycleGraph, data, num_sample_nodes) # output a dictionary of start-end color pairs -> likelihood
cycle_likelihoods[convert_path_graph_to_bools(path.graph)] = likelihood
return cycle_likelihoods

# this is the one where we also have the directionality of the path
# returns a mapping from start/end-colors => cycle-likelihood
function get_color_cycle_likelihoods(max_size::Int, data::DataGraph, color_hash, max_partial_paths, min_partial_paths=50)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -484,17 +387,6 @@ function convert_path_graph_to_bools(graph::DiGraph)
return bool_representation

# for a specific path, calculates the
# probability that the cycle closes
function approximate_cycle_likelihood(path::QueryGraph, cycle::QueryGraph, data::DataGraph, max_partial_paths)
numCycles::Float64 = get_exact_size(cycle, data, max_partial_paths=max_partial_paths)
# add parameter for query nodes that shouldn't be aggregated out (the starting/ending nodes)
# will now output a vector of tuples where first thing is a path (should only have start/end nodes after aggregations), second is the weight of the path
# iterate through list to figure out cycle closure likelihoods
numPaths::Float64 = get_exact_size(path, data, max_partial_paths=max_partial_paths)
# only find paths, use data graph to find closing edge if existing
return numPaths != 0 ? numCycles / numPaths : 0

# returns a mapping of start/end-colors => path-count/cycle-count
function approximate_color_cycle_likelihood(path::QueryGraph, data::DataGraph, color_hash, max_partial_paths)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -528,23 +420,6 @@ function approximate_color_cycle_likelihood(path::QueryGraph, data::DataGraph, c
return color_matches

# Given a cycle size, find the probability that a chain with the same number of nodes
# will also have an edge closing the cycle
# Note: used for old version that mapped cycle-size -> cycle-likelihood
function approximate_cycle_likelihood(max_cycle_size::Int, data::DataGraph)
for size in 2:max_cycle_size
# convert to undirected graphs so we don't have to deal with duplicate generated graphs
undirected_data = DataGraph(DiGraph(Graph(data.graph)))
undirected_path = QueryGraph(DiGraph(path_graph(max_cycle_size)))
undirected_cycle = QueryGraph(DiGraph(cycle_graph(max_cycle_size)))
num_paths = get_exact_size(undirected_path, undirected_data)
num_cycles = get_exact_size(undirected_cycle, undirected_data)
cycle_likelihoods[size] = num_paths == 0 ? 0 : num_cycles / num_paths
return cycle_likelihoods

# For a given number of edges, generates all possible directed graphs
# with the given number of edges
function generate_graphs(desiredEdges::Int, finishedEdges::Int, graphs::Vector{DiGraph}, isCyclic::Bool)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -587,17 +462,3 @@ function generate_graphs(desiredEdges::Int, finishedEdges::Int, graphs::Vector{D
return generate_graphs(desiredEdges, finishedEdges + 1, newGraphs, isCyclic)

# Returns the shortest distance between two nodes not including their directly-connecting edge
# Note: previously used for path-length -> cycle-likelihood mapping
function shortestPathNotDirectlyConnected(startNode::Int, endNode::Int, query::QueryGraph)
copiedDiGraph = copy(query.graph)
# remove the edge we are trying to close in the query
rem_edge!(copiedDiGraph, startNode, endNode)
# find the shortest path between the start and end node
# start by removing directionality because we're just concerned with the shortest
# number of connections between the two nodes
undirectedGraph = Graph(copiedDiGraph)
ds = dijkstra_shortest_paths(undirectedGraph, startNode)
return ds.dists[endNode]

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