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Releases: v923z/micropython-ulab

Compatibility release

03 Jun 20:09
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This release brings ulab in line with micropython 1.23. In addition to the not-so-visible compatibility with the latest of micropython, bitwise operators have been implemented, the random module has been added and a number of bugs have been squashed.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 6.0.12...6.5.2

Compatibility release

07 May 10:11
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This release brings ulab in line with the latest micropython, and fixes a number of smaller bugs.

Move `spectrogram` to `utils` sub-module

19 Sep 18:15
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This release moves the spectrogram function to the utils sub-module, adds the hash module constant, implements a great number of small bug fixes, and brings ulab in line with micropython.

upgrade with complex support

08 Jan 11:15
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This release of ulab adds optional support for complex arrays, the compress function, the .tolist() array method, and the .imag, .real array properties.

Complex arrays can be sliced and iterated on, have the usual unary operators, and the +, *, /, -, ==, and != binary operators. In addition, the all, any, convolve, exp, sqrt functions accept complex arguments, and the conjugate, imag, real, sort_complex functions are implemented.

If complex support is enabled, the FFT routines can be configured to behave in a completely numpy-compatible way.

Fix compare/sum

30 Nov 19:57
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This bug fix release rectifies compare's, and sum's handling of integer/Boolean types.

Documentation improvements

19 Nov 19:42
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This release adds the readthedocs yaml file, so that documentation can be generated automatically.

Documentation improvements

19 Nov 20:13
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With this release, documentation for version 0.54.6 can be generated automatically.

Documentation improvements

19 Nov 20:12
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With this release, documentation for version 0.36 can automatically be generated.

new .flat property, numpy.linalg.qr function

22 Jul 18:23
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This release implements the .dtype, .itemsize, .shape, .size, and .strides getter properties for micropython (these getters are already included in circuitpython), and adds the .T ndarray property for the transpose, the .shape setter (in micropython), and the flat iterator for higher dimensional arrays, accessible via the .flat property (in micropython).

In addition, the numpy.linalg module has a new function, qr for the QR decomposition. The bug in the calculation of the sum of 4D arrays has also been squashed.

Behind the scenes, the code base has been re-organised, so that the circuitpython documentation can be generated in a consistent way.

new module, properties implementation, and bug fixes

10 Jun 17:41
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This release of ulab adds a new module, scipy.linalg, with two functions, and the empty array constructor function on the python side, and implements numpy-compatible handling of ndarray properties. In addition, it also fixes a number of bugs. More details can be found in the change log.