Extract the files from Expense_Manager.zip.
Folder Structure_____
├── css (contains all the css files)
│ └── style.css
├── database (Database of the project)
│ └── xpense_manager.sql
├── img
│ └── (contains all images required for developing the website)
├── includes
│ ├── common.php
│ ├── fixedFooter.php
│ ├── footer.php
│ └── header.php
├── about.php
├── add-expense.php
├── change_password.php
├── createnewplan.php
├── distribution.php
├── homepage.php
├── homepage_submit.php
├── index.php
├── login.php
├── login_submit.php
├── logout.php
├── logout_submit.php
├── newplan_submit.php
├── password_script.php
├── plandetails.php
├── signup.php
├── signup_script.php
└── viewplan.php
- Start the Apache and MySQL modules using the WAMP controller.
- Open the phpMyAdmin and create a database xpense_manager.
- Import the xpense_manager.sql file present in the zip folder.
- Open the www folder in the wamp folder. Copy paste the folder CtrlBudget.
- Open the browser (chrome), type localhost/CtrlBudget and you should see the index page of the website.
CONTACT [email protected] WEBSITE https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaibhav-anuragi-631a7b161