Focus on coaching and Find a Coach will manage all what you need: your coaching session times and notes and clients.
Start app with bin/dev
Precompile rails assets:
rails assets:clean assets:precompile
clean all assets rails assets:clobber
Include into precommit hook: rubocop rails db:test:prepare test test:system
Reset demo user rails demo_user:reset
Backup Process: From your host machine docker cp your-rails7-container:/storage/production.sqlite3 ./backup/production.sqlite3 docker cp 290055864fd3:/storage/production-backup.sqlite3 ./production.sqlite3
Restore Process: To your new Rails 8 container docker cp --chown rails:rails ./production.sqlite3 your-rails8-container:/rails/storage/production.sqlite3 docker cp ./production.sqlite3 290055864fd3:/rails/storage/production.sqlite3
And backup locally scp [email protected]:/root/backup/production.sqlite3 ./production.sqlite3 scp ./production.sqlite3 [email protected]:/root/production.sqlite3
Inspect container via bash docker exec -it 4ede8af7b7e9 bash
run kamal init if not using root account, in ./delpoy.yaml add ssh: user: kamal keys: [ "~/.ssh/id_ed25519" ]
Create private docker repository e.h. on DockerHub add access token (Read, Write, Delete) and store it in ./kamal/secrets in variable KAMAL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD= or set as en environment variable export KAMAL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=password
Create e.f. Hetzner machine with ssh Add identity to ssh Confirm it ssh-add -l
create RAILS_MASTER_KEY VISUAL="code --wait" bin/rails credentials:edit export key from console from previous commant to env variable export RAILS_MASTER_KEY=
VISUAL="code --wait" bin/rails credentials:edit export key from console from previous commant to env variable por comy it from config/master.key export RAILS_MASTER_KEY=
docker login run kamal setup
export KAMAL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD= export RAILS_MASTER_KEY= docker login kamal deploy
And optional: kamal reset_demo_user kamal logs
Rails dev-container configuration
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions