I'm Valdigleis (Dk4LL), a Peanuts fan, former programmer, ex-user and ex-collaborator of the Debian project. Currently, I'm a computer science teacher at CCICOMP of the Univasf - Brazil. This repository contains my personal config used in the NeoVim.
Install on your system...
- The NeoVim editor, obviously!
- A Nerd font, particularly recommend the font: FiraMono Nerd Font.
This configuration provides support for the following listed languages:
- Bash using the bash-language-server, tested with the version 5.4.2.
- C and C++ using the language server clangd, tested with the version 14.0.0.
- CSS using the vscode-css-language-server, tested with the version 4.10.0.
- Javascript and Typescript using the TypeScript Language Server, tested with the version 4.3.3.
- LaTeX using the texlab, tested with the version 4.3.2.
- Lua using the lua language server, tested with the version 3.10.5.
- Python using the pyright, tested with the version 1.1.391.
- Prolog, specifically swi-prolog using the Prolog Language server, tested with the version 2.2.7.
For this configuration to work correctly, in addition to the language servers mentioned in the previous section, you must have the following software in your system's PATH.
- A line-oriented search tool that recursively searches, called ripgrep, tested with the version 13.0.0.
- The reader files sequentially, writing them to standard output, called bat, tested with the version 0.19.0.
- The parser generator tool called tree-sitter, tested with the version 0.24.5.
- A compiler C/C++ for compile files for the tree-sitter, options are: clang or gcc.