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refactor: getting rid of type weights
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kupermind committed Mar 13, 2024
1 parent 864384c commit c2ce918
Showing 1 changed file with 38 additions and 129 deletions.
167 changes: 38 additions & 129 deletions contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,20 +45,18 @@ interface IVEOLAS {
contract VoteWeighting is IErrors {
event OwnerUpdated(address indexed owner);
event NewTypeWeight(uint256 time, uint256 weight, uint256 total_weight);
event NewGaugeWeight(address indexed gauge_address, uint256 time, uint256 weight, uint256 total_weight);
event VoteForGauge(uint256 time, address indexed user, address indexed gauge_addr, uint256 weight);
event NewGaugeWeight(address indexed gauge_address, uint256 weight, uint256 total_weight);
event VoteForGauge(address indexed user, address indexed gauge_addr, uint256 weight);
event NewGauge(address addr, uint256 weight);

// 7 * 86400 seconds - all future times are rounded by week
uint256 public constant WEEK = 604800;

// Cannot change weight votes more often than once in 10 days
uint256 public constant WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY = 10 * 86400;
uint256 public constant MULTIPLIER = 10 ** 18;

address public immutable ve; // Voting escrow

address public owner; // Can and will be a smart contract
uint256 public constant WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY = 864000;
// veOLAS contract address
address public immutable ve;

Check warning on line 57 in contracts/VoteWeighting.sol

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Immutable variables name are set to be in capitalized SNAKE_CASE
// Contract owner address
address public owner;

// Gauge parameters
// All numbers are "fixed point" on the basis of 1e18
Expand All @@ -67,37 +65,47 @@ contract VoteWeighting is IErrors {
// Needed for enumeration
address[1000000000] public gauges;

mapping(address => mapping(address => VotedSlope)) public vote_user_slopes; // user -> gauge_addr -> VotedSlope
mapping(address => uint256) public vote_user_power; // Total vote power used by user
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public last_user_vote; // Last user vote's timestamp for each gauge address
// user -> gauge_addr -> VotedSlope
mapping(address => mapping(address => VotedSlope)) public vote_user_slopes;
// Total vote power used by user
mapping(address => uint256) public vote_user_power;
// Last user vote's timestamp for each gauge address
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public last_user_vote;

// Past and scheduled points for gauge weight, sum of weights per type, total weight
// Point is for bias+slope
// changes_* are for changes in slope
// time_* are for the last change timestamp
// timestamps are rounded to whole weeks

mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => Point)) public points_weight; // gauge_addr -> time -> Point
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public changes_weight; // gauge_addr -> time -> slope
mapping(address => uint256) public time_weight; // gauge_addr -> last scheduled time (next week)

mapping(uint256 => Point) public points_sum; // time -> Point
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public changes_sum; // time -> slope
uint256 public time_sum; // last scheduled time (next week)

mapping(uint256 => uint256) public points_total; // time -> total weight
uint256 public time_total; // last scheduled time

mapping(uint256 => uint256) public points_type_weight; // time -> type weight
uint256 public time_type_weight; // last scheduled time (next week)
// gauge_addr -> time -> Point
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => Point)) public points_weight;
// gauge_addr -> time -> slope
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public changes_weight;
// gauge_addr -> last scheduled time (next week)
mapping(address => uint256) public time_weight;

// time -> Point
mapping(uint256 => Point) public points_sum;
// time -> slope
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public changes_sum;
// last scheduled time (next week)
uint256 public time_sum;

// time -> total weight
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public points_total;
// last scheduled time
uint256 public time_total;

/// @notice Contract constructor.
/// @param _ve `VotingEscrow` contract address.
constructor(address _ve) {
// Check for the zero address
if (_ve != address(0)) {
revert ZeroAddress();

// Set initial parameters
owner = msg.sender;
ve = _ve;
time_total = block.timestamp / WEEK * WEEK;
Expand All @@ -120,28 +128,6 @@ contract VoteWeighting is IErrors {
emit OwnerUpdated(newOwner);

/// @notice Fill historic type weights week-over-week for missed checkins and return the type weight for the future week.
/// @return Type weight.
function _get_type_weight() internal returns (uint256) {
uint256 t = time_type_weight;
if (t > 0) {
uint256 w = points_type_weight[t];
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
if (t > block.timestamp) {
t += WEEK;
points_type_weight[t] = w;
if (t > block.timestamp) {
time_type_weight = t;
return w;
} else {
return 0;

/// @notice Fill sum of gauge weights for the same type week-over-week for missed checkins and return the sum for the future week.
/// @return Sum of weights.
function _get_sum() internal returns (uint256) {

Check warning on line 133 in contracts/VoteWeighting.sol

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Function name must be in mixedCase
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,7 +174,6 @@ contract VoteWeighting is IErrors {
uint256 pt = points_total[t];


for (uint256 i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
if (t > block.timestamp) {
Expand All @@ -198,8 +183,7 @@ contract VoteWeighting is IErrors {
pt = 0;

uint256 type_sum = points_sum[t].bias;
uint256 type_weight = points_type_weight[t];
pt = type_sum * type_weight;
pt = type_sum;

points_total[t] = pt;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,13 +242,12 @@ contract VoteWeighting is IErrors {
uint256 next_time = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;

if (weight > 0) {
uint256 _type_weight = _get_type_weight();
uint256 _old_sum = _get_sum();
uint256 _old_total = _get_total();

points_sum[next_time].bias = weight + _old_sum;
time_sum = next_time;
points_total[next_time] = _old_total + _type_weight * weight;
points_total[next_time] = _old_total + weight;
time_total = next_time;

points_weight[addr][next_time].bias = weight;
Expand All @@ -290,77 +273,10 @@ contract VoteWeighting is IErrors {

/// @notice Get Gauge relative weight (not more than 1.0) normalized to 1e18 (e.g. 1.0 == 1e18).
/// Inflation which will be received by it is inflation_rate * relative_weight / 1e18.
/// @param addr Gauge address.
/// @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present.
/// @return Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18.
function _gauge_relative_weight(address addr, uint256 time) internal view returns (uint256) {
uint256 t = time / WEEK * WEEK;
uint256 _total_weight = points_total[t];

if (_total_weight > 0) {
// TODO: Do we need _type_weight?
uint256 _type_weight = points_type_weight[t];
uint256 _gauge_weight = points_weight[addr][t].bias;
return MULTIPLIER * _type_weight * _gauge_weight / _total_weight;
} else {
return 0;

/// @notice Get Gauge relative weight (not more than 1.0) normalized to 1e18.
/// (e.g. 1.0 == 1e18). Inflation which will be received by it is
/// inflation_rate * relative_weight / 1e18.
/// @param addr Gauge address.
/// @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present.
/// @return Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18.
function gauge_relative_weight(address addr, uint256 time) external view returns (uint256) {
return _gauge_relative_weight(addr, time);

/// @notice Get gauge weight normalized to 1e18 and also fill all the unfilled values for type and gauge records.
/// @dev Any address can call, however nothing is recorded if the values are filled already.
/// @param addr Gauge address.
/// @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present.
/// @return Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18.
function gauge_relative_weight_write(address addr, uint256 time) external returns (uint256) {
_get_total(); // Also calculates get_sum
return _gauge_relative_weight(addr, time);

// TODO: Not needed?
/// @notice Change type weight.
/// @param weight New type weight.
function _change_type_weight(uint256 weight) internal {
uint256 old_weight = _get_type_weight();
uint256 old_sum = _get_sum();
uint256 _total_weight = _get_total();
uint256 next_time = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;

_total_weight = _total_weight + old_sum * weight - old_sum * old_weight;
points_total[next_time] = _total_weight;
points_type_weight[next_time] = weight;
time_total = next_time;
time_type_weight = next_time;

emit NewTypeWeight(next_time, weight, _total_weight);

// TODO: Not needed?
/// @notice Change gauge type weight to `weight`.
/// @param weight New Gauge weight.
function change_type_weight(uint256 weight) external {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can change type weight");

function _change_gauge_weight(address addr, uint256 weight) internal {
// Change gauge weight
// Only needed when testing in reality
uint256 old_gauge_weight = _get_weight(addr);
uint256 type_weight = _get_type_weight();
uint256 old_sum = _get_sum();
uint256 _total_weight = _get_total();
uint256 next_time = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
Expand All @@ -372,11 +288,11 @@ contract VoteWeighting is IErrors {
points_sum[next_time].bias = new_sum;
time_sum = next_time;

_total_weight = _total_weight + new_sum * type_weight - old_sum * type_weight;
_total_weight = _total_weight + new_sum - old_sum;
points_total[next_time] = _total_weight;
time_total = next_time;

emit NewGaugeWeight(addr, block.timestamp, weight, _total_weight);
emit NewGaugeWeight(addr, weight, _total_weight);

/// @notice Change weight of gauge `addr` to `weight`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -457,7 +373,7 @@ contract VoteWeighting is IErrors {
// Record last action time
last_user_vote[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] = block.timestamp;

emit VoteForGauge(block.timestamp, msg.sender, _gauge_addr, _user_weight);
emit VoteForGauge(msg.sender, _gauge_addr, _user_weight);

function max(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
Expand All @@ -471,13 +387,6 @@ contract VoteWeighting is IErrors {
return points_weight[addr][time_weight[addr]].bias;

// TODO: Not needed?
/// @notice Get current type weight.
/// @return Type weight.
function getTypeWeight() external view returns (uint256) {
return points_type_weight[time_type_weight];

/// @notice Get current total (type-weighted) weight.
/// @return Total weight.
function getTotalWeight() external view returns (uint256) {
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