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Autonolas Staking Programmes


This repository contains the Autonolas Staking Programmes set of contracts. It is built on top of a core service staking functionality of autonolas-registries.



  • This repository follows the standard Hardhat development process.
  • The code is written starting from Solidity 0.8.21.
  • The standard versions of Node.js along with Yarn are required to proceed further (confirmed to work with Yarn 1.22.19 and npx/npm 10.1.0 and node v18.17.0).

Install the dependencies

The project has submodules to get the dependencies. Make sure you run git clone --recursive or init the submodules yourself. The dependency list is managed by the package.json file, and the setup parameters are stored in the hardhat.config.js file. Simply run the following command to install the project:

yarn install

Core components

The contracts, deployment scripts and tests are located in the following folders respectively:


Compile the code and run

Compile the code:

npx hardhat compile

Run the tests:

npx hardhat test

Run tests with forge:

forge test --hh -vvv


  • ESLint is used for JS code.
  • solhint is used for Solidity linting.

Github Workflows

The PR process is managed by github workflows, where the code undergoes several steps in order to be verified. Those include:

  • code installation
  • running linters
  • running tests


The list of contract addresses for different networks and corresponding staking program configurations can be found in JSON files here: contracts.

The deployment of contracts to the test- and main-net is split into step-by-step series of scripts for more control and checkpoint convenience. The description of deployment procedure can be found here: deployment.

The finalized contract ABIs for deployment and their number of optimization passes are located here: ABIs. Each folder there contains contracts compiled with the solidity version before their deployment.


The audit is provided as development matures. The latest audit report can be found here: audits.

Related UI to facilitate staking contract creation

  • Create staking proxy instance on Launch;
  • Vote for staking contracts on Govern.

Contribute Architecture

title: Contribute Architecture
flowchart LR
    Deployer -- setContributeServiceStatuses --> ContributorsProxy
    Deployer -- changeOwner --> ContributorsProxy
    User -- createAndStake --> ContributorsProxy
    User -- stake --> ContributorsProxy
    User -- unstake --> ContributorsProxy
    User -- claim --> ContributorsProxy
    ContributeService -- checkpoint --> StakingInstance -- getNonces --> ContributeActivityChecker
    User -- approve --> OLAS
    ContributorsProxy -- create --> StakingRegistryL2
    StakingRegistryL2 -- mint --> ERC721
    ContributorsProxy -- stake --> StakingInstance
    ContributorsProxy -- unstake --> StakingInstance
    ContributorsProxy -- claim --> StakingInstance
    subgraph Service registry contracts
    subgraph Contribute contracts
    ContributeService -- increaseActivity --> ContributorsProxy
    ContributorsProxy -- delegatecall --> Contributors
    ContributorsProxy -- setServiceInfoForId --> ContributorsProxy
    ContributeActivityChecker -- mapMutisigActivities --> ContributorsProxy


The staking programmes contracts were inspired and based on the following sources: