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Varitome Variant Calling

Pipelines in this repository are composed with Snakemake v5.23.0. Compatibility with different versions is not guaranteed.


Clone this repository with git clone On GACRC's Sapelo2, you will need to load the Git module first with ml load git/2.23.0-GCCcore-8.3.0-nodocs.


You will first need a conda environment with Snakemake installed. To create one on Sapelo2:

module load Miniconda3/4.7.10
conda create --name <myenv>
source activate <myenv>
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda snakemake

If an appropriate conda environment already exists, just run:

module load Miniconda3/4.7.10
source activate <myenv>


Variant Calling

The Snakefile.variants pipeline involves the following steps:

  • download fastq files
  • merge fastq files for each accession
  • trim fastq files with Trimmomatic
  • align reads with a reference genome with SpeedSeq
  • sort the aligned sequence with SAMtools
  • create read groups with Picard
  • mark duplicates with Picard
  • call variants with LUMPY
  • call variants with GATK HaplotypeCaller
  • combine variants returned from HaplotypeCaller
  • joint genotype then select and filter variants with GATK


On GACRC's Sapelo2, pipelines must run in the scratch filesystem (/scratch/<user>), otherwise filesystem quotas will quickly be exceeded.

This pipeline accepts a config file (e.g., config.json) which must be located in the same directory. The config file should conform to the following schema:

  "reference": "<reference genome>",
  "accessions": {
    "<accession 1>": [
      "<run 1>",
      "<run 2>"
    "<accession 2>": [
      "<run 1>",
      "<run 2>"

For instance, to run 2 accessions (each with a variable number of sequencer runs) against the "PAS014479_MAS1.0" reference genome:

  "reference": "PAS014479_MAS1.0",
  "accessions": {
    "BGV012640": [
    "PI487625": [

Note that the reference genome file (e.g., PAS014479_MAS1.0.fasta) must exist in the same directory.


To execute a dry run (does not actually do anything, just prints out rules scheduled for execution):

snakemake --snakefile Snakefile.variants -np --configfile "<config file>"

You probably won't want to run the pipeline interactively unless your dataset is very small and you have a tmux or screen session open, as the pipeline will take several hours at minimum — but if you do, run:

snakemake --snakefile Snakefile.variants --latency-wait 30 --restart-times 2 --configfile "<config file>" --jobs 500 --cluster "qsub -l walltime={params.walltime} -l nodes={params.nodes}:ppn={params.ppn} -l mem={params.mem} -M <your email address> -m ae"

Several command line arguments are passed to Snakemake:

  • --latency-wait: seconds to wait after each rule completes before checking for expected output files (compensates for filesystem latency)
  • --restart-times: times to restart each rule if it fails
  • --jobs: maximum number of concurrent jobs submitted to the cluster scheduler
  • --cluster: the command to use when submitting each job to the cluster scheduler; parameters (e.g., params.walltime) are specified in Snakefile on a per-rule basis

These options can be reconfigured as needed. Note that if the pipeline has run previously in the same directory, you may need to execute a dry run with extra flag --unlock to release the directory lock before rerunning. Alternatively use --nolock to ignore directory locks.

To submit the pipeline to Sapelo2 as a batch job, simply embed the command above in a job submission script (several examples follow).

Sample Job Scripts

Depending on the size of your dataset you may need to tune cluster resources on a per-rule basis.

Torque/Moab (PBS)

#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -N Snakemato
#PBS -q batch
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -l walltime=150:00:00
#PBS -l mem=20gb
#PBS -M <your email address>
#PBS -m ae


module load Miniconda3/4.7.10
source activate <your conda environment>

ulimit -c unlimited

snakemake --snakefile Snakefile.variants  --latency-wait 30 --restart-times 2 --configfile "config.json" --jobs 500 --cluster "qsub -l walltime={params.walltime} -l nodes={params.nodes}:ppn={params.ppn} -l mem={params.mem} -M <your email address> -m ae"



Read Depths

The Snakefile.depths pipeline calculates average read depths for a collection of .bam files.


This pipeline accepts a configuration file with schema:

  "accessions":  [
      "<accession 1>",
      "<accession 2>"

The pipeline expects .bam files in the working directory. Files should be named <accession>.bam.


To execute a dry run (does not actually do anything, just prints out rules scheduled for execution):

snakemake --snakefile Snakefile.depths -np --configfile "<config file>"

To execute the pipeline interactively (this should be done from an interactive job):

snakemake --snakefile Snakefile.depths --latency-wait 30 --restart-times 2 --configfile "<config file>" --jobs 500 --cluster "qsub -l walltime={params.walltime} -l nodes={params.nodes}:ppn={params.ppn} -l mem={params.mem} -M <your email address> -m ae"

Several command line arguments are passed to Snakemake:

  • --latency-wait: seconds to wait after each rule completes before checking for expected output files (compensates for filesystem latency)
  • --restart-times: times to restart each rule if it fails
  • --jobs: maximum number of concurrent jobs submitted to the cluster scheduler
  • --cluster: the command to use when submitting each job to the cluster scheduler; parameters (e.g., params.walltime) are specified in Snakefile on a per-rule basis

These options can be reconfigured as needed. Note that if the pipeline has run previously in the same directory, you may need to execute a dry run with extra flag --unlock to release the directory lock before rerunning. Alternatively use --nolock to ignore directory locks.

#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -N depths
#PBS -q batch
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
#PBS -l mem=20gb
#PBS -M <your email address>
#PBS -m ae


module load Miniconda3/4.7.10
source activate <your conda environment>

ulimit -c unlimited

snakemake --snakefile Snakefile.depths --configfile depths_config.json --latency-wait 30 --restart-times 2 --jobs 500 --cluster "qsub -l walltime={params.walltime} -l nodes={params.nodes}:ppn={params.ppn} -l mem={params.mem} -M [email protected] -m ae"


Various utilities carried over from previous collaborator Nathan.


Varitome project variant calling pipeline and utilities.






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