Release v0.9.9
Automated preprocessing of Next-Generation Sequencing data, including full (sc)ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq, and (sc)RNA-seq workflows.
[0.9.9] - 2023-04-21
- moved downloading fastqs to localrules
- bam indexes are kept (not automatically removed)
- Salmon updated to the latest version v1.10.1 (fixes a bug)
- upsetplot updated to the latest version (fixes a bug)
- genomepy updated to the latest version (no reason)
- tabulate updated to the latest version (longer python support)
- everything else updated to the latest version
--snakemakeOption debug_dag=True
can now be used with 1 core (required)- creating conda environments now faster
- updated conda & mamba
- dropped indexing of Conda's defaults channel
- one less global variable! (sanitized_samples)
- dropped correlation scores from DESeq2 clusterplots
- pheatmap is too finickey to get the fontsize right
- pheatmap uses the sample order (from the samples.tsv) as best as possible
- edge case when a GSM sample is a reanalysis of another GSM sample.
- error message referring to
while it should be--configfile
- cyclic dependency on rule samtools_sort (caused by tildes in config paths)
- bug in DESeq2 related rules when using custom assemblies
- clear error message when downloading single-end data annotated as paired-end.
- "Max retries exceeded with url" for CRX samples
- upsetplot & assembly_stats segfault due to interactive matplotlib backend
- DESeq2 error: "EOF within quoted string"
- conda environment channel priorities
- trackhub index generation now removes rogue spaces from the annotation (instead of crashing)