This is Node.js API built to do CRUD Operations on TRUCK DATABASE
In this exercise you are going create a Rest full API, that will be responsible for saving and listing trucks data as following
- Create and Edit a Truck
- View a Truck
- List all Trucks
- Create/save Truck Location (latitude/longitude)
- List all locations of a truck
- You must use the NodeJS in backend
- You must save the data in a database.
- You can use other libraries to help if you want, ex:
- Express, Sequelize, etc
- Build System (Gulp/Grunt/NPM)
- The API has been built using Node.js
- MongoDB for storing Truck Information
- Mongoose for Object Modelling Tool on MongoDB
- API Endpoints Test done using Postman
- Unit API Tests done using JEST and Super Test
- User Authentication using JWT Token
- Bcrypt for encrypting Passwords
- Ensure Node and MongoDB is installed on your machine
- Navigate to this project directory
- Run following commands
npm install
npm run dev
- Ensure Node and MongoDB is installed on your machine
- Navigate to this project directory
- Run following commands
npm run test
- Ensure Docker is installed on your machine
- Navigate to this Project directory
- Run following commands
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
docker run -v ./tests/postman/:/tmp/collections -t postman/newman_ubuntu1404 run /tmp/collections/TrucksAPI.postman_collection.json --environment /tmp/collections/TRUCKS-API-DEV-DOCKER.postman_environment.json
- Navigate to http://localhost:5000/api-docs
- Finish the CI/CD pipeline to Travis and AWS
- Run the postman tests automatically upon deployment on a test version of database.
- Finish Swagger /api-docs page
- Improve Authentication