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Documenting with roxygen2
variani edited this page Feb 1, 2016
12 revisions
Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7198758/roxygen2-how-to-properly-document-s3-methods
An example based on roxygen2:
#' S3 class MyClass.
#' @exportClass MyClass
#' @export MyMethod
MyMethod <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("MyMethod)
#' @export
MyMethod.MyClass <- function(object, data , sName="s" , yName="y" , ...)
Objective: avoid 'R CMD check' error "Undocumented S4 classes".
- One can have three parts of code: class declaration, class constructor and a wrapper function.
- Documenting part 1
- @name tag: "Sensor-class".
- @rdname tag: "Sensor-class".
- @exportClass tag: "Sensor".
- Documenting parts 2 and 3
- Use @rdname the same as in part 1 ("Sensor-class").
- The @alias tags will be added respectively.
Part 1: declaration of the class.
#' Class Sensor.
#' Class \code{Sensor} defines a gas sensor device.
#' @name Sensor-class
#' @rdname Sensor-class
#' @exportClass Sensor
setClass(Class = "Sensor",
representation = representation(
type = "character", num = "numeric"),
validity = validSensor
Part 2: constructor of the class.
#' Constructor method of Sensor Class.
#' @name Sensor
#' @rdname Sensor-class
setMethod("initialize", "Sensor", function(.Object,
type = "character", num = "numeric", ...)
if(missing(type)) type <- "polymeric"
if(missing(num)) num <- 1
Part 3: wrapper function (optional).
#' Wrapper function Sensor.
#' @name Sensor
#' @rdname Sensor-class
#' @export
Sensor <- function(...) new("Sensor", ...)
Resulted file "Sensor-class.Rd".
\title{Class Sensor.}
Class \code{Sensor} defines a gas sensor device.
Constructor method of Sensor Class.
Wrapper function Sensor.
Objective: avoid 'R CMD check' error "Undocumented S4 methods".
Part 1: setGeneric
#' Method num.
#' @name num
#' @rdname num-methods
#' @exportMethod num
setGeneric("num", function(x) standardGeneric("num"))
#' Method type.
#' @name type
#' @rdname type-methods
#' @exportMethod type
setGeneric("type", function(x) standardGeneric("type"))
Part 2: setMethod
#' @rdname num-methods
#' @aliases num,ANY-method
setMethod("num", "ANY", function(x) x@num)
#' @rdname type-methods
#' @aliases type,Sensor-method
setMethod("type", "Sensor", function(x) x@type)
Resulted file num-methods.Rd
\title{Method num.}
Method num.
Rsulted file type-methods.Rd
\title{Method type.}
Method type.
Part 1: setGeneric
#' Method csd.
#' @name Sensor-class
#' @rdname Sensor-class
#' @exportMethod csd
setGeneric("csd", function(x) standardGeneric("csd"))
#' Method ssd.
#' @name Sensor-class
#' @rdname Sensor-class
#' @exportMethod ssd
setGeneric("ssd", function(x) standardGeneric("ssd"))
#' Method dsd.
#' @name Sensor-class
#' @rdname Sensor-class
#' @exportMethod dsd
setGeneric("dsd", function(x) standardGeneric("dsd"))
Part 2: setMethod
#' @rdname Sensor-class
#' @aliases csd,Sensor-method
setMethod("csd", "Sensor", function(x) x@csd)
#' @rdname Sensor-class
#' @aliases ssd,Sensor-method
setMethod("ssd", "Sensor", function(x) x@ssd)
#' @rdname Sensor-class
#' @aliases dsd,Sensor-method
setMethod("dsd", "Sensor", function(x) x@dsd)
Resulted file Sensor-class.Rd
\title{Method csd.}
\item{...}{constructor parameters.}
Method csd.
Method ssd.
Method dsd.
Class \code{Sensor} defines a gas sensor device.
Constructor method of Sensor Class.
Wrapper function Sensor.