Simple promise observing for AngularJS.
You can leverage the PromiseObserver
and the observing
directive by including the vnn.o
module as a dependency.
angular.module('mymodule', ['vnn.o']);
The PromiseObserver
service is used to monitor promises and associate a key with them so their status can be polled.
This method observes a promise and associates a key with it:
app.controller('MyController', function (PromiseObserver, $http) {
var promise = PromiseObserver.observe($http.get('/some.json'), 'key');
returns the promise being observed. This makes it easy to use in conjunction with most angular conventions, such as a resolve block.
Multiple promises can be assigned to the same key.
The resolving method checks if all promises for a given key have finished resolving.
app.controller('MyController', function (PromiseObserver, $http) {
PromiseObserver.observe($http.get('/some.json'), 'key');
PromiseObserver.observe($http.get('/some-other.json'), 'key');
if (PromiseObserver.resolving('key')) {
//do something if promises are still resolving
The PromiseObserver
emits the following events:
- Notifies all listeners it has started observing a promise. Listeners receive the key being observed.complete
- Notifies all listeners all promises have been resolved. Listeners receive the key of the resolved promises.
app.controller('MyController', function (PromiseObserver, $http) {
PromiseObserver.on('observing', function (key) {
console.log("Observing ", key);
PromiseObserver.observe($http.get('/some.json'), 'key');
PromiseObserver.on('complete', function (key) {
console.log("All promises resolved for ", key);
A handy shortcut exists for PromiseObserver.observe
called $o
app.controller('MyController', function ($o, $http) {
$o($http.get('/some.json'), 'key');
o ships with an observing
directive that makes it ideal for using in the UI - say for a loading graphic.
<div observing='key'>
This directive simply adds a promise-resolving
class to the element while promises for the given key are resolving. Once all promises for that key have resolved - the class is removed.
Tests use the karma test runner + jasmine. They can be run via an npm script.
$ npm i
$ npm test