We are a community of aviation enthusiasts from Germany and beyond who come together to simulate real-world air traffic control and aviation operations on the VATSIM network. Our community is open to everyone, whether you're a seasoned pilot or a new air traffic controller.
We welcome contributions from anyone who is interested in helping to improve our community and its tools. To get started, simply fork one of our projects and make your changes locally. Once you're happy with your changes, submit a pull request and we'll review it as soon as we can.
If you're not sure where to start, check out our list of open issues or reach out to one of our maintainers. We're always happy to help new contributors get started. Alternatively, take a look at our project overview, which contains a list of currently in-development applications/software. The overview also contains representatives for each of the respective projects that can happily guide you through your first steps.
🚧 Please note that only admins can create new repositories. If you have an idea for a new project, please reach out to one of our admins and we'll be happy to create a new repository for you.
If you wish to create a new project and/or repository or contribute to an existing one, make sure to check out our project-guidelines here!
If you're interested in learning more about VATSIM Germany, or just want to connect with our community, you can find us in a number of places:
- Our website has information about our community, events, and resources.
- Our forum in which you can chat with other members of the community.
We look forward to work with you.
I agree that when creating content within the VATGER Organisation, I grant VATSIM Germany a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable and irrevocable right to use the content created by me, free of charge, unlimited in time, place and content. I guarantee that there are no third-party rights to the content I have created and that the rights of use granted do not infringe any third-party rights.