Address: 1000 Galvin Rd S, Bellevue, Nebraska 68005 - Directions
BS in Software Development Degree
This course introduces the concepts of relational and non-relational database structures from a software developer perspective. Topics include defining key/value pairs, building table structures, manipulating records, using data types, and implementing access controls. The Structured Query Language (SQL) will be used to manipulate the models. Students will prepare a small application using a relational database management system.
Prerequisite: None
Carefully read the assigned chapters, videos, and narrative I've included under each exercise and assignment.
Most exercises and assignments have accompanying solutions, so you can visually see the concepts in action.
Approach this course from top-to-bottom and do not move on to the next exercise or assignment without fully understanding the previous one. The Reading & Videos section are critical to learning the material. Do not just scan over what I've provided.
pip install pymongo
pip install pymongo[srv]
pip install pylint
pip install mysql-connector-python
git clone
cd csd-310