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vbeffara committed Feb 28, 2024
1 parent 99e5b3d commit 63313fa
Showing 1 changed file with 18 additions and 11 deletions.
29 changes: 18 additions & 11 deletions RMT4/Lift.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,13 +60,6 @@ lemma reachable_nhds_iff (hf : IsCoveringMap f) :
have l6 : MapsTo γ (uIcc t u) T.baseSet := λ v hv => l3 (l5 hv)
exact ⟨reachable_extend <| uIcc_comm t u ▸ l6, reachable_extend l6⟩

theorem lift (hf : IsCoveringMap f) (hγ : γ 0 = f A) : ∃ Γ : C(I, E), Γ 0 = A ∧ f ∘ Γ = γ := by
have l1 : Set.Nonempty {t | reachable f γ A t} := ⟨0, reachable_zero hγ⟩
have l2 : IsClopen {t | reachable f γ A t} := isClopen_iff_nhds.2 (λ t => reachable_nhds_iff hf)
let ⟨Γ, h1, h2⟩ := ((isClopen_iff.1 l2).resolve_left <| Nonempty.ne_empty l1).symm ▸ mem_univ 1
refine ⟨⟨IicExtend Γ, Γ.2.Iic_extend'⟩, by simpa [IicExtend, projIic] using h1, funext (λs => ?_)⟩
simp [IicExtend, projIic, s.2.2] ; convert h2 ⟨s, s.2.2⟩ ; simpa using s.2.2

theorem IsCoveringMap.eq_of_comp_eq' (hf : IsCoveringMap f) {A : Type*} [TopologicalSpace A]
[PreconnectedSpace A] {g₁ g₂ : C(A, E)} (he : f ∘ g₁ = f ∘ g₂) (a : A) (ha : g₁ a = g₂ a) :
g₁ = g₂ :=
Expand All @@ -76,9 +69,23 @@ theorem lift_unique (hf : IsCoveringMap f) {Γ₁ Γ₂ : C(I, E)} (h0 : Γ₁ 0
(h : f ∘ Γ₁ = f ∘ Γ₂) : Γ₁ = Γ₂ := by
exact hf.eq_of_comp_eq' h 0 h0

theorem lift' (hf : IsCoveringMap f) (hγ : γ 0 = f A) : ∃! Γ : C(I, E), Γ 0 = A ∧ f ∘ Γ = γ := by
obtain ⟨Γ, h⟩ := lift hf hγ
exact ⟨Γ, h, λ Γ' h' => lift_unique hf (h'.1.trans h.1.symm) (h'.2.trans h.2.symm)⟩
theorem Lift (hf : IsCoveringMap f) (hγ : γ 0 = f A) : ∃! Γ : C(I, E), Γ 0 = A ∧ f ∘ Γ = γ := by
have l1 : Set.Nonempty {t | reachable f γ A t} := ⟨0, reachable_zero hγ⟩
have l2 : IsClopen {t | reachable f γ A t} := isClopen_iff_nhds.2 (λ t => reachable_nhds_iff hf)
let ⟨Γ, h1, h2⟩ := ((isClopen_iff.1 l2).resolve_left <| Nonempty.ne_empty l1).symm ▸ mem_univ 1
let Γ₁ : C(I, E) := ⟨IicExtend Γ, Γ.2.Iic_extend'⟩
have l3 : Γ₁ 0 = A := by simpa [IicExtend, projIic] using h1
have l4 : f ∘ Γ₁ = γ := by
ext1 s
simp only [IicExtend, coe_mk, Function.comp_apply, projIic]
convert h2 ⟨s, s.2.2
simpa using s.2.2
refine ⟨Γ₁, ⟨l3, l4⟩, ?_⟩
intro Γ₂ ⟨hh1, hh2⟩
exact hf.eq_of_comp_eq' (l4 ▸ hh2) 0 (l3 ▸ hh1)

theorem lift (hf : IsCoveringMap f) (hγ : γ 0 = f A) : ∃ Γ : C(I, E), Γ 0 = A ∧ f ∘ Γ = γ :=
(Lift hf hγ).exists

end Lift

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +126,7 @@ theorem HLL (hp : IsCoveringMap p) (f₀ : C(Y, X)) (F : C(Y × I, X)) (hF : ∀
let γ : C(Y, C(I, X)) := F.curry
have h1 {y} : γ y 0 = f₀ y := hF y
have h3 {y} : γ y 0 = p (g₀ y) := by rw [h1, ← congr_fun hg₀ y] ; rfl
choose G hG1 hG2 using λ y => @lift' _ _ _ _ _ (γ y) (g₀ y) hp h3
choose G hG1 hG2 using λ y => @Lift _ _ _ _ _ (γ y) (g₀ y) hp h3

have h4 (y₀ : Y) (t : I) := (hp (F (y₀, t))).2
choose T hT using h4
Expand Down

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