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vbeffara committed Mar 18, 2024
1 parent a064620 commit c2a092d
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Showing 7 changed files with 131 additions and 139 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion RMT4.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.OpenMapping
import RMT4.Basic
import RMT4.cindex
import RMT4.defs
import RMT4.deriv_inj
Expand All @@ -8,5 +7,6 @@ import RMT4.has_sqrt
import RMT4.hurwitz
import RMT4.Main
import RMT4.Montel
import RMT4.Spaces
import RMT4.to_mathlib
import RMT4.uniform
32 changes: 0 additions & 32 deletions RMT4/Basic.lean

This file was deleted.

81 changes: 4 additions & 77 deletions RMT4/Main.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import RMT4.Basic
import RMT4.Spaces
import RMT4.etape2
import RMT4.has_sqrt
import RMT4.Montel
Expand All @@ -7,75 +7,6 @@ open UniformConvergence Topology Filter Set Metric Function

variable {ι : Type*} {l : Filter ι} {U : Set ℂ} {z₀ : ℂ}

namespace RMT

-- `𝓜 U` : holomorphic functions to the unit closed ball

def 𝓜 (U : Set ℂ) := {f ∈ 𝓗 U | MapsTo f U (closedBall (0 : ℂ) 1)}

example : 𝓜 U = 𝓑 U (fun _ => closedBall 0 1) := 𝓑_const.symm

lemma isCompact_𝓜 (hU : IsOpen U) : IsCompact (𝓜 U) := by
simpa only [𝓑_const] using isCompact_𝓑 hU (fun _ _ => isCompact_closedBall 0 1)

lemma IsClosed_𝓜 (hU : IsOpen U) : IsClosed (𝓜 U) := by
suffices h : IsClosed {f : 𝓒 U | MapsTo f U (closedBall 0 1)} by
exact (isClosed_𝓗 hU).inter h
simp_rw [MapsTo, setOf_forall]
refine isClosed_biInter (λ z hz => isClosed_ball.preimage ?_)
exact ((UniformOnFun.uniformContinuous_eval_of_mem ℂ (compacts U)
(mem_singleton z) ⟨singleton_subset_iff.2 hz, isCompact_singleton⟩).continuous)

-- `𝓘 U` : holomorphic injections into the unit ball

def 𝓘 (U : Set ℂ) := {f ∈ 𝓜 U | InjOn f U}

lemma 𝓘_nonempty [good_domain U] : (𝓘 U).Nonempty := by
obtain ⟨u, hu⟩ := nonempty_compl.mpr (good_domain.ne_univ : U ≠ univ)
let f : ℂ → ℂ := λ z => z - u
have f_inj : Injective f := λ _ _ h => h
have f_hol : DifferentiableOn ℂ f U := differentiableOn_id.sub (differentiableOn_const u)
have f_noz : ∀ ⦃z : ℂ⦄, z ∈ U -> f z ≠ 0 := λ z hz f0 => hu ( f0 ▸ hz)

obtain ⟨g, g_hol, g_sqf⟩ := good_domain.has_sqrt f f_noz f_hol
obtain ⟨z₀, hz₀⟩ := (good_domain.is_nonempty : U.Nonempty)

have gU_nhd : g '' U ∈ 𝓝 (g z₀) := by
have e1 : U ∈ 𝓝 z₀ := good_domain.is_open.mem_nhds hz₀
have e2 := g_hol.analyticAt e1
have f_eq_comp := (good_domain.is_open.eventually_mem hz₀).mono g_sqf
have dg_nonzero : deriv g z₀ ≠ 0 := by
have e3 := e2.differentiableAt.deriv_eq_deriv_pow_div_pow zero_lt_two f_eq_comp (f_noz hz₀)
simp [e3, deriv_sub_const, f]
intro h
have := g_sqf hz₀
rw [Pi.pow_apply, h, zero_pow two_ne_zero] at this
cases f_noz hz₀ this
refine e2.eventually_constant_or_nhds_le_map_nhds.resolve_left (λ h => ?_) (image_mem_map e1)
simp [EventuallyEq.deriv_eq h] at dg_nonzero

obtain ⟨r, r_pos, hr⟩ := gU_nhd
let gg : RMT.embedding U ((closedBall (- g z₀) (r / 2))ᶜ) :=
{ to_fun := g,
is_diff := g_hol,
is_inj := λ z₁ hz₁ z₂ hz₂ hgz => f_inj (by simp [g_sqf _, hz₁, hz₂, hgz]),
maps_to := λ z hz hgz => by {
apply f_noz hz
rw [mem_closed_ball_neg_iff_mem_neg_closed_ball] at hgz
obtain ⟨z', hz', hgz'⟩ := (closedBall_subset_ball (by linarith)).trans hr hgz
have hzz' : z = z' := f_inj (by simp [g_sqf hz, g_sqf hz', hgz'])
simpa [hzz', neg_eq_self_iff, g_sqf hz'] using hgz'.symm } }

let ggg := (embedding.inv _ (by linarith)).comp gg
refine ⟨ggg.to_fun, ⟨ggg.is_diff, ?_⟩, ggg.is_inj⟩
exact λ z hz => ball_subset_closedBall (ggg.maps_to hz)

-- `𝓙 U` : the closure of `𝓘 U`, injections and constants

def 𝓙 (U : Set ℂ) := {f ∈ 𝓜 U | InjOn f U ∨ ∃ w : ℂ, EqOn f (λ _ => w) U}

lemma 𝓘_subset_𝓙 : 𝓘 U ⊆ 𝓙 U := λ _ hf => ⟨hf.1, Or.inl hf.2

lemma IsCompact_𝓙 [good_domain U] : IsCompact (𝓙 U) := by
have hU : IsOpen U := good_domain.is_open
refine (isCompact_𝓜 hU).of_isClosed_subset ?_ (λ _ hf => hf.1)
Expand All @@ -87,7 +18,7 @@ lemma IsCompact_𝓙 [good_domain U] : IsCompact (𝓙 U) := by
refine ⟨(IsClosed_𝓜 hU).mem_of_tendsto h1 (h2.mono (λ _ h => h.1)), ?_⟩
by_cases h : ∃ᶠ f in l, InjOn f U
case pos =>
refine (hurwitz_inj hU good_domain.is_preconnected ?_ ((tendsto_iff hU).1 h1) h).symm
refine (hurwitz_inj hU good_domain.is_preconnected ?_ ((tendsto_𝓒_iff hU).1 h1) h).symm
filter_upwards [h2] with g hg using hg.1.1
case neg =>
obtain ⟨z₀, hz₀⟩ : U.Nonempty := good_domain.is_nonempty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,14 +65,10 @@ theorem main [good_domain U] : ∃ f ∈ 𝓘 U, f '' U = ball (0 : ℂ) 1 := by
obtain ⟨g, hg⟩ := step_2 U hz₀ ⟨f, hf.1.1, h5.2, mapsTo'.2 h10⟩ hfg
exact ⟨g.to_fun, 𝓘_subset_𝓙 ⟨⟨g.is_diff, g.maps_to.mono_right ball_subset_closedBall⟩, g.is_inj⟩, hg⟩

end RMT

open RMT

theorem RMT (h1 : IsOpen U) (h2 : IsConnected U) (h3 : U ≠ univ) (h4 : has_primitives U) :
∃ f : ℂ → ℂ, (DifferentiableOn ℂ f U) ∧ (InjOn f U) ∧ (f '' U = ball 0 1) := by
have : RMT.good_domain U := ⟨h1, h2.1, h2.2, h3, (h4.has_logs h1 h2.isPreconnected).has_sqrt⟩
obtain ⟨f, hf : f ∈ 𝓘 U, hfU⟩ := @RMT.main U _
have : good_domain U := ⟨h1, h2.1, h2.2, h3, (h4.has_logs h1 h2.isPreconnected).has_sqrt⟩
obtain ⟨f, hf : f ∈ 𝓘 U, hfU⟩ := main (U := U)
exact ⟨f, hf.1.1, hf.2, hfU⟩

#print axioms RMT
25 changes: 4 additions & 21 deletions RMT4/Montel.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.Liouville
import Mathlib.Topology.UniformSpace.Ascoli
import RMT4.Basic
import RMT4.Spaces
import RMT4.defs
import RMT4.hurwitz

open Set Function Metric UniformConvergence Complex

variable {ι : Type*} {U K : Set ℂ} {z : ℂ} {F : ι → 𝓒 U} {Q : Set ℂ → Set ℂ}

@[simp] lemma union_compacts : ⋃₀ compacts U = U :=
subset_antisymm (λ _ ⟨_, hK, hz⟩ => hK.1 hz)
(λ z hz => ⟨{z}, ⟨singleton_subset_iff.2 hz, isCompact_singleton⟩, mem_singleton z⟩)

def UniformlyBoundedOn (F : ι → ℂ → ℂ) (U : Set ℂ) : Prop :=
∀ K ∈ compacts U, ∃ Q, IsCompact Q ∧ ∀ i, MapsTo (F i) K Q

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,22 +57,6 @@ lemma UniformlyBoundedOn.equicontinuousOn (h1 : UniformlyBoundedOn F U) (hU : Is
convert mul_lt_mul' le_rfl this (norm_nonneg _) hMp
field_simp [, mul_comm]

def 𝓑 (U : Set ℂ) (Q : Set ℂ → Set ℂ) : Set (𝓒 U) :=
{f ∈ 𝓗 U | ∀ K ∈ compacts U, MapsTo f K (Q K)}

lemma 𝓑_const {Q : Set ℂ} : 𝓑 U (fun _ => Q) = {f ∈ 𝓗 U | MapsTo f U Q} := by
simp [𝓑, ← mapsTo_sUnion]

theorem isClosed_𝓑 (hU : IsOpen U) (hQ : ∀ K ∈ compacts U, IsCompact (Q K)) :
IsClosed (𝓑 U Q) := by
rw [𝓑, setOf_and] ; apply (isClosed_𝓗 hU).inter
simp only [setOf_forall, MapsTo]
apply isClosed_biInter ; intro K hK
apply isClosed_biInter ; intro z hz
apply (hQ K hK).isClosed.preimage
exact ((UniformOnFun.uniformContinuous_eval_of_mem ℂ (compacts U)
(mem_singleton z) ⟨singleton_subset_iff.2 (hK.1 hz), isCompact_singleton⟩).continuous)

theorem uniformlyBoundedOn_𝓑 (hQ : ∀ K ∈ compacts U, IsCompact (Q K)) :
UniformlyBoundedOn ((↑) : 𝓑 U Q → 𝓒 U) U := by
exact fun K hK => ⟨Q K, hQ K hK, fun f => f.2.2 K hK⟩
Expand All @@ -99,3 +79,6 @@ theorem montel (hU : IsOpen U) (h1 : UniformlyBoundedOn F U) (h2 : ∀ i, Differ
exact totallyBounded_subset l1 <| (isCompact_𝓑 hU hQ1).totallyBounded

#print axioms montel

lemma isCompact_𝓜 (hU : IsOpen U) : IsCompact (𝓜 U) := by
simpa only [𝓑_const] using isCompact_𝓑 hU (fun _ _ => isCompact_closedBall 0 1)
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions RMT4/Spaces.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.LocallyUniformLimit
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.OpenMapping
import RMT4.defs

open Topology Filter Set Function UniformConvergence Metric

variable {U : Set ℂ} {Q : Set ℂ → Set ℂ} {ι : Type*} {l : Filter ι}

-- `𝓒 U` is an alias for `ℂ → ℂ` equipped with compact convergence on `U`

abbrev 𝓒 (U : Set ℂ) := ℂ →ᵤ[compacts U] ℂ

noncomputable def uderiv (f : 𝓒 U) : 𝓒 U := deriv f

lemma tendsto_𝓒_iff (hU : IsOpen U) {F : ι → 𝓒 U} {f : 𝓒 U} :
Tendsto F l (𝓝 f) ↔ TendstoLocallyUniformlyOn F f l U := by
simp [UniformOnFun.tendsto_iff_tendstoUniformlyOn, _root_.compacts]
exact (tendstoLocallyUniformlyOn_iff_forall_isCompact hU).symm

-- `𝓗 U` is the space of holomorphic functions on `U`

def 𝓗 (U : Set ℂ) := {f : 𝓒 U | DifferentiableOn ℂ f U}

lemma isClosed_𝓗 (hU : IsOpen U) : IsClosed (𝓗 U) := by
refine isClosed_iff_clusterPt.2 (λ f hf => ?_)
refine @TendstoLocallyUniformlyOn.differentiableOn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ id f hf ?_ ?_ hU
· simp [← tendsto_𝓒_iff hU, Tendsto]
· simp [eventually_inf_principal, 𝓗]; exact eventually_of_forall (λ g => id)

lemma ContinuousOn_uderiv (hU : IsOpen U) : ContinuousOn uderiv (𝓗 U) := by
rintro f -
refine (tendsto_𝓒_iff hU).2 ?_
refine TendstoLocallyUniformlyOn.deriv ?_ eventually_mem_nhdsWithin hU
apply (tendsto_𝓒_iff hU).1
exact nhdsWithin_le_nhds

-- `𝓑 U Q` is the collection of `Q`-bounded holomorphic maps on `U`

def 𝓑 (U : Set ℂ) (Q : Set ℂ → Set ℂ) : Set (𝓒 U) :=
{f ∈ 𝓗 U | ∀ K ∈ compacts U, MapsTo f K (Q K)}

lemma 𝓑_const {Q : Set ℂ} : 𝓑 U (fun _ => Q) = {f ∈ 𝓗 U | MapsTo f U Q} := by
simp [𝓑, ← mapsTo_sUnion]

theorem isClosed_𝓑 (hU : IsOpen U) (hQ : ∀ K ∈ compacts U, IsCompact (Q K)) :
IsClosed (𝓑 U Q) := by
rw [𝓑, setOf_and] ; apply (isClosed_𝓗 hU).inter
simp only [setOf_forall, MapsTo]
apply isClosed_biInter ; intro K hK
apply isClosed_biInter ; intro z hz
apply (hQ K hK).isClosed.preimage
exact ((UniformOnFun.uniformContinuous_eval_of_mem ℂ (compacts U)
(mem_singleton z) ⟨singleton_subset_iff.2 (hK.1 hz), isCompact_singleton⟩).continuous)

-- `𝓜 U` : holomorphic functions to the unit closed ball

def 𝓜 (U : Set ℂ) := {f ∈ 𝓗 U | MapsTo f U (closedBall (0 : ℂ) 1)}

lemma 𝓜_eq_𝓑 : 𝓜 U = 𝓑 U (fun _ => closedBall 0 1) := 𝓑_const.symm

lemma IsClosed_𝓜 (hU : IsOpen U) : IsClosed (𝓜 U) := by
suffices h : IsClosed {f : 𝓒 U | MapsTo f U (closedBall 0 1)} by
exact (isClosed_𝓗 hU).inter h
simp_rw [MapsTo, setOf_forall]
refine isClosed_biInter (λ z hz => isClosed_ball.preimage ?_)
exact ((UniformOnFun.uniformContinuous_eval_of_mem ℂ (compacts U)
(mem_singleton z) ⟨singleton_subset_iff.2 hz, isCompact_singleton⟩).continuous)

-- `𝓘 U` : holomorphic injections into the unit ball

def 𝓘 (U : Set ℂ) := {f ∈ 𝓜 U | InjOn f U}

lemma 𝓘_nonempty [good_domain U] : (𝓘 U).Nonempty := by
obtain ⟨u, hu⟩ := nonempty_compl.mpr (good_domain.ne_univ : U ≠ univ)
let f : ℂ → ℂ := λ z => z - u
have f_inj : Injective f := λ _ _ h => h
have f_hol : DifferentiableOn ℂ f U := differentiableOn_id.sub (differentiableOn_const u)
have f_noz : ∀ ⦃z : ℂ⦄, z ∈ U -> f z ≠ 0 := λ z hz f0 => hu ( f0 ▸ hz)

obtain ⟨g, g_hol, g_sqf⟩ := good_domain.has_sqrt f f_noz f_hol
obtain ⟨z₀, hz₀⟩ := (good_domain.is_nonempty : U.Nonempty)

have gU_nhd : g '' U ∈ 𝓝 (g z₀) := by
have e1 : U ∈ 𝓝 z₀ := good_domain.is_open.mem_nhds hz₀
have e2 := g_hol.analyticAt e1
have f_eq_comp := (good_domain.is_open.eventually_mem hz₀).mono g_sqf
have dg_nonzero : deriv g z₀ ≠ 0 := by
have e3 := e2.differentiableAt.deriv_eq_deriv_pow_div_pow zero_lt_two f_eq_comp (f_noz hz₀)
simp [e3, deriv_sub_const, f]
intro h
have := g_sqf hz₀
rw [Pi.pow_apply, h, zero_pow two_ne_zero] at this
cases f_noz hz₀ this
refine e2.eventually_constant_or_nhds_le_map_nhds.resolve_left (λ h => ?_) (image_mem_map e1)
simp [EventuallyEq.deriv_eq h] at dg_nonzero

obtain ⟨r, r_pos, hr⟩ := gU_nhd
let gg : embedding U ((closedBall (- g z₀) (r / 2))ᶜ) :=
{ to_fun := g,
is_diff := g_hol,
is_inj := λ z₁ hz₁ z₂ hz₂ hgz => f_inj (by simp [g_sqf _, hz₁, hz₂, hgz]),
maps_to := λ z hz hgz => by {
apply f_noz hz
rw [mem_closed_ball_neg_iff_mem_neg_closed_ball] at hgz
obtain ⟨z', hz', hgz'⟩ := (closedBall_subset_ball (by linarith)).trans hr hgz
have hzz' : z = z' := f_inj (by simp [g_sqf hz, g_sqf hz', hgz'])
simpa [hzz', neg_eq_self_iff, g_sqf hz'] using hgz'.symm } }

let ggg := (embedding.inv _ (by linarith)).comp gg
refine ⟨ggg.to_fun, ⟨ggg.is_diff, ?_⟩, ggg.is_inj⟩
exact λ z hz => ball_subset_closedBall (ggg.maps_to hz)

-- `𝓙 U` : the closure of `𝓘 U`, injections and constants

def 𝓙 (U : Set ℂ) := {f ∈ 𝓜 U | InjOn f U ∨ ∃ w : ℂ, EqOn f (λ _ => w) U}

lemma 𝓘_subset_𝓙 : 𝓘 U ⊆ 𝓙 U := λ _ hf => ⟨hf.1, Or.inl hf.2
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions RMT4/defs.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
import RMT4.to_mathlib
import RMT4.deriv_inj
import RMT4.Basic

open Complex Metric Set

variable {u : ℂ} {U V W : Set ℂ}

namespace RMT
def compacts (U : Set ℂ) : Set (Set ℂ) := {K ⊆ U | IsCompact K}

@[simp] lemma union_compacts : ⋃₀ compacts U = U :=
subset_antisymm (λ _ ⟨_, hK, hz⟩ => hK.1 hz)
(λ z hz => ⟨{z}, ⟨singleton_subset_iff.2 hz, isCompact_singleton⟩, mem_singleton z⟩)

def 𝔻 : Set ℂ := ball 0 1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,5 +91,3 @@ noncomputable def embedding.inv (w : ℂ) {r : ℝ} (hr : 0 < r) : embedding ((c
lemma embedding.deriv_ne_zero {f : embedding U V} {z : ℂ} (hU : IsOpen U) (hz : z ∈ U) :
deriv f z ≠ 0 :=
deriv_ne_zero_of_inj hU f.is_diff f.is_inj hz

end RMT
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions RMT4/etape2.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ import RMT4.to_mathlib

open Complex ComplexConjugate Set Metric Topology Filter

namespace RMT

variable {z u z₀ : ℂ} (U : Set ℂ) [good_domain U]

lemma one_sub_mul_conj_ne_zero (hu : u ∈ 𝔻) (hz : z ∈ 𝔻) : 1 - z * conj u ≠ 0 := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,5 +172,3 @@ lemma step_2 (hz₀ : z₀ ∈ U) (f : embedding U 𝔻) (hf : f '' U ⊂ 𝔻)
· intro h
have := (φ v_in_𝔻).is_inj e1 e2 h
norm_num at this

end RMT

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