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Vbrick Rev Client Library (beta)

This is a javascript client library for interacting with the Vbrick Rev API. It should work in node.js 16+, browsers, and deno.

This library is intended for use with VBrick Rev.



The compiled library is at dist/rev-client.js.

Node.js (v16+)

npm install @vbrick/rev-client


  • Browser - This library is in ESM module format - it assumes use of an evergreen browser that has fetch, AbortController, etc.
  • node.js - Node.js 18 or above required. This package includes commonjs (require) and ES Module (import) versions. By default it uses the (node-fetch) polyfill unless you import using the @vbrick/rev-client/native-fetch named export (which uses native fetch).
  • deno - Should be compatible, though testing is limited. You'll need --allow-net permissions at minimum.

Browsers and CORS support

By default CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) is disabled for Rev Cloud tenants. This means this library will not work out of the box in the browser. You should open a ticket with Vbrick Support if this feature isn't yet configured.

To verify if CORS is enabled for your account check the headers response from https://YOUR_REV_TENANT_URL/api/v2/accounts/branding-settings - it doesn't require authentication.

Node.js Proxy support

If you need to use this library behind a proxy (and you're using Node.js) then the proxy method to use depends on which fetch library you're using.

  • If you use the node-fetch polyfill (@vbrick/rev-client or @vbrick/rev-client/node-fetch) then you should use a proxy that sets the https.Agent (like global-agent).
  • If you use the native fetch (which is based on undici) then you'll need a proxy implementation that sets the undici global agent dispatcher
  • Alternatively, you can override to use you're own fetch compatible library by using utils.setPolyfills()

On-Prem note: this library targets the latest version of Rev. Some API endpoints may not be available or work as expected in older versions of Rev On-Prem.


import {RevClient} from '/path/to/rev-client.js';

// create client object
const rev = new RevClient({
    url: 'https://my.rev.url',
    apiKey: 'my.user.apikey',
    secret: 'my.user.secret',
    // or can login via username + password
    // username: 'my.username',
    // password: 'my.password',
	logEnabled: true, // turn on debug logging
	keepAlive: true // automatically extend session
	rateLimits: true // automatically enforce rate limiting (avoid 429 error responses)

(async () => {
	// call login api and start session. will throw error if invalid login
	await rev.connect();

	// create a category
	const {categoryId} = await rev.category.create({ name: 'Created Via API' });

	// get details about this category
	const categoryDetails = await rev.category.details(categoryId);

	console.log('category details: ', categoryDetails);

	// get the account media contributor role
	const mediaContributorRole = await rev.admin.getRoleByName('Media Contributor');

	// create a new user, with the media contributor role
	const userId = await rev.user.create({
		username: 'new.user',
		firstname: 'new',
		lastname: 'user',
		roleIds: []

	// upload a video, and assign 'new.user' as the owner of that video, and add to the category created above
	// if browser instead of node.js - pass in a File object instead of the filepath
	const videoId = await"/path/to/local/video.mp4", {
		uploader: 'new.user',
		title: 'video uploaded via the API',
		categories: [], // ['Created Via API']
		unlisted: true,
		isActive: true
		/// ...any additional metadata

	console.log('Video uploaded!', videoId);

	await rev.disconnect();



NOTE Unless otherwise noted all methods of RevClient are async (they return a Promise)


new RevClient(options)

  • url: REQUIRED - URL of Rev instance (ex

  • keepAlive: true/false (Default: true) - If true then automatically extend the Rev session at regular intervals (until rev.disconnect() is called). If false then you must manually call extendSession() to maintain a valid token.

  • rateLimits: true/false/RateLimitOptions (Default: false) - Automatically throttle requests client-side to fit within Vbrick's API Request Rate Limits. Note that the default values (when value is true) is set to the account maximum - see below Rate Limits section for how to customize.

  • logEnabled: true/false (Default: false) - Enable/disable debug logging

  • log: (logLevel, ...args) => void - Custom log function. Default is to log to console

And one of following login options (apiKey+secret, username+password, oauthConfig+code+codeVerifier, jwtToken, guestRegistrationToken+webcastId, publicOnly):

  1. User API Key:

    • apiKey: User API Key of Rev User
    • secret: User Secret of Rev User
  2. Username/Password login:

    • username: Username of Rev user.
    • password: Password of Rev user.
  3. Legacy OAuth session (NOTE: This is for OAuth 2.0 browser-redirect flow to create sessions, it's not intended for server-side only login).

  • oauthConfig: OAuth configuration object
  • oauthConfig.oauthApiKey: API key from Rev Admin -> Security. This is a DIFFERENT value from the User Token used for API login/extend session
  • oauthConfig.oauthSecret: API secret from Rev Admin -> Security. This is a DIFFERENT value from a user's secret. DEPRECATED - only for Legacy OAuth login
  • oauthConfig.redirectUri: The local URL Rev should redirect user to after logging in. This must match EXACTLY what's specified in Rev Admin -> Security for the specified API key
  • authCode: the Auth Code returned from the OAuth redirect response as a query parameter
  1. OAuth2 session (NOTE: This is for OAuth 2.0 browser-redirect flow to create sessions, it's not intended for server-side only login - use User API Key / JWT logins instead for this use case).
  • oauthConfig: OAuth configuration object
  • oauthConfig.oauthApiKey: API key from Rev Admin -> Security. This is a DIFFERENT value from the User Token used for API login/extend session
  • oauthConfig.redirectUri: The local URL Rev should redirect user to after logging in. This must match EXACTLY what's specified in Rev Admin -> Security for the specified API key
  • code: the Code returned from the OAuth redirect response as a query parameter
  • codeVerifier: the Code Verifier used when initially generating the OAuth2 authorization URL. use rev.auth.buildOAuth2Authentication() to generate an OAuth2 authorization URL and corresponding codeVerifier.
  1. JWT session:

  2. Guest Registration session:

    • guestRegistrationToken: The Token returned when creating a guest registration.
    • webcastId: ID of the webcast in question
  3. Access Token (existing sessions)

    • session.token: The Access Token previously received via some login method (see below)
    • session.expiration: The expiration time of the session.
  4. Public Only usage (no authentication)

  • publicOnly: Don't use any authentication. This limits use to endpoints that don't require authentication.
Existing Sessions:

You can pass in an existing session to the constructor to reuse a session token (assuming it isn't expired). When you include session the additional credential values aren't necessary, however if not included you won't be able to re-login, just extend the session.

const initialRev = new RevClient({ url, apiKey, secret });
await initialRev.connect();

// store state for use elasewhere (like /tmp/ storage in a serverless environment)
// has { token, expiration }
let savedState = rev.sessionState;

// ... time passes ...

const revWithReusedSession = new RevClient({ url, apiKey, sessionState: savedState })

// or set after initial configuration
revWithReusedSession.sessionState = savedState;

RevClient session methods:

connect() - Login to Rev using configured credentials

disconnect() - Logoff from Rev and clear token

extendSession() - Extend current session token

verifySession() - Returns true/false on if the current token is valid

isConnected - Boolean value that indicates if connect() has been called and the session isn't expired

token - The Authorization token used to make API calls

logEnabled - Boolean value to enable/disable debug logging.

sessionExpires - Date when token is set to expire

sessionState - Current token/expiration session data

HTTP Methods

Make a request to a specific API endpoint. get,post,put,patch and delete are helpers to set the method value of the main request call

request(method, endpoint, data?, options?) - Make a HTTP Request

  • method - HTTP Verb to use
  • endpoint - Path for call to make. This will be relative to the url set in RevClient
  • data - Query parameters for get/delete requests, Body for put/post/patch requests.
  • options - Additional request parameters to pass to fetch.
  • options.responseType - json|text|blob|stream - specify how to decode the response. Default is to autodetect based on the response. stream means pass through without decoding.
  • statusCode - HTTP Status Code
  • headers - Headers object
  • body - Response payload, already decoded based on options.responseType
  • response - raw fetch Response object

Throws RevError

Custom Error with the following additional properties:

  • status - HTTP Status Code
  • url - Request URL
  • code? - Rev-specific error code
  • detail? - Rev-specific detail message;


rev = new RevClient({ url: "https://my.rev.url", ...credentials });
await rev.request('get', '/api/v2/users/my.username', { type: 'username' });
// HTTP GET https://my.rev.url/api/v2/users/my.username?type=username

get(endpoint, data?, options?)

post(endpoint, data?, options?)

put(endpoint, data?, options?)

patch(endpoint, data?, options?)

delete(endpoint, data?, options?)

Make HTTP requests with the specified verb (get/post/patch/etc). Unlike request() these calls return the body directly.

  • endpoint - Path for call to make. This will be relative to the url set in RevClient
  • data - Query parameters for get/delete requests, Body for put/post/patch requests.
  • options - Additional request parameters to pass to fetch.
  • options.responseType - json|text|blob|stream - specify how to decode the response. Default is to autodetect based on the response. stream means pass through without decoding.

The Response payload, already decoded based on options.responseType

Rate Limits

See the Vbrick documentation for information on Rate Limit behavior.

If you have multiple users / agents using the Public API for a Vbrick account then you may need to set lower rate limits. These values are set Per Minute, so 30 means "30 calls per minute".

// example using default options
const rev = new RevClient({
	url: 'https://my.rev.url',
	apiKey: 'key', secret: 'secret',
	rateLimits: {
		get: 24000,
		post: 3600,
		searchVideos: 120,
		videoDetails: 2000,
		uploadVideo: 30,
		auditEndpoint: 60,
		updateVideo: 30,
		loginReport: 10,
		attendeesRealtime: 2
	// rateLimits: true // equivalent option

For background usage you may consider using lower values to ensure the service doesn't impact other agents using the API:

// example of overriding the limits for a service account that makes background requests
const rev = new RevClient({
	url: 'https://my.rev.url',
	apiKey: 'key', secret: 'secret',
	rateLimits: {
		searchVideos: 10, // only make 10 search calls per minute
		videoDetails: 100, 
		// other values use default

API Endpoints

RevClient also wraps API functionality into separate namespaces. They mostly follow the API Documentation categorization.


admin.getRoleByName(name) - Get a specific Role { id: string, name: string } based on the Role's name (i.e. 'Media Viewer')


admin.getCustomFieldByName(name) - Get a specific Custom Field based on the Custom Field's name



admin.updateWebcastRegistrationField(fieldId, field)



admin.listIQCreditsUsage(query, options)






audit.accountAccess(accountId, options?)

audit.accountUsers(accountId, options?)

audit.accountGroups(accountId, options?)

audit.accountDevices(accountId, options?)

audit.accountVideos(accountId, options?)

audit.accountWebcasts(accountId, options?)

audit.userAccess(userId, accountId, options?)

audit.user(userId, accountId, options?), accountId, options?)

audit.device(deviceId, accountId, options?), accountId, options?)

audit.webcast(eventId, accountId, options?)

audit.principal(userId, accountId, options?)

These calls are called automatically by the RevClient instance, but they're included here for completeness.

auth.extendSession() - extend any kind of active session, regardless of login method

auth.verifySession() - throws error if session is not currently valid

auth.loginToken(apiKey, secret)

auth.extendSessionToken(apiKey) - DEPRECATED


auth.loginUser(username, password)


auth.extendSessionUser(userId) - DEPRECATED



auth.buildOAuth2Authentication(config, state?) - returns Promise<{ url, codeVerifier }>. Sign and format an OAuth2 Authorication URL. Make sure to store the codeVerifier for making a call to get an Access Token.

auth.loginOAuth2(config, code, codeVerifier)

auth.buildOAuthAuthenticateURL(config, state?) - returns Promise<string>. DEPRECATED Sign and format an OAuth Authorization URL (for browser login flow)

auth.parseOAuthRedirectResponse(url) - DEPRECATED Synchronous, returns { isSuccess, authCode, state, error} based on returned information

auth.loginOAuth(config, authCode) - DEPRECATED

auth.extendSessionOAuth(config, refreshToken) - DEPRECATED



category.update(categoryId, category)


category.list(parentCategoryId?, includeAllDescendants?)



channel.update(channelId, channel)


channel.list(start?, options?)

channel.addMembers(channelId, members)

channel.removeMembers(channelId, members), {type?, assignable?})

Wrapper around the Search Users,Groups and Channels API. If options.assignable: true then restrict to only assignable entities. options.type defaults to Channel to just return channels












Wrapper around the Use the Get User Location Service to get a user's IP Address for zoning purposes.


group.delete(groupId), options?)

NOTE: The response from this endpoint is remapped from the raw API results - it returns camelCase instead of PascalCase ({id: string, name: string, entityType: string } instead of {Id: string, Name: string, EntityType: string}


group.listUsers(groupId, options?)

group.listUserDetails(groupId, options?)

playlist.create(name, videoIds)

playlist.update(playlistId, actions)




recording.startVideoConferenceRecording(sipAddress, sipPin, title?)







Shared Options

All upload functions take in a file argument and an options argument.

  • file: The actual upload data. The possible input options are:
Type Browser Node Notes
File / Blob âś” âś”
"data:" / "blob:" urls Passed to fetch() âś” Treated like a Blob
"file:" urls Passed to fetch() Read using fs.createReadStream() Follows browser/user agent fetch() security policy
"http:" / "https:" urls ❌ ✔ On node.js these are passed to fetch(), so could load remote resources
relative/absolute path (string) ❌ Read using fs.createReadStream() Follows filesystem permissions
Web Stream (Readable Stream), fetch Response converted to Blob âś” On browsers entire stream is read into memory. For node.js the stream is piped
Node.js Streams (including http.IncomingResponse) N/A âś” Piped through to request.
  • options:
    • Any fetch options (most importantly signal for passing in an AbortSignal)
    • filename?: string - the filename used in the Content-Disposition field header.
    • contentType?: string - the content type of the file
    • contentLength?: number - the known content length of the file. This is rarely needed, but can be used if passing along a HTTP Stream
    • useChunkedTransfer?: boolean - tell upload to not calculate a content length automatically, and just send as Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    • disableExternalResources?: boolean - if true then reject any string argument that would read from the network/disk (only blob: or data: URLs allowed). Default is false for backwards compatibility

SECURITY REMINDER - Passing in strings has the chance to trigger a remote request, and on node.js/deno/bun could read arbitrary files on the disk. Be sure to sanitize your inputs. Optionally, use the options.disableExternalResources to only allow data: and blob: URLs.

Note: Rev expects the file extension and content-type to agree. This library will attempt to automatically fix the filename/content-type as needed.

upload.chapters(videoId, chapters, action?, options?)

  • videoId: string, videoId of the video in question
  • chapters: array of Chapter objects. At least one of title or imageFile must be specified
    • time: (required) string
    • title: string
    • imageFile: string, stream.Readable or Blob if using node.js. File if browser. See file in the Shared Options section above.
  • action: One of two string values (default: replace):
  • options: Additional fetch options

upload.presentationChapters(videoId, file, options?)

upload.supplementalFile(videoId, file, options?)

upload.transcription(videoId, file, language?, options?)

upload.thumbnail(videoId, file, options?), metadata, options?) - Upload a video

  • file: string, stream.Readable or Blob if using node.js. File if browser. See file in the Shared Options section above.
  • metadata: Video metadata - see API docs. Note that at minimum uploader MUST be included.
  • options: See Shared Options section above.

The ID of the video

`upload.replaceVideo(videoId, file, options?) - Replace a video

upload.transcription(videoId, file, language?, options?) - Upload a transcription / close captions file







user.addToGroup(userId, groupId) - Add a user to the specified Group

user.removeFromGroup(userId, groupId) - Remove a user from the specified Group

user.suspend(userId) - Use Patch API to suspend user

user.unsuspend(userId) - Use Patch API to unsuspend user, options?)

NOTE: The response from this endpoint is remapped from the raw API results - it returns camelCase instead of PascalCase ({userId: string, firstname: string, profileImageUri: string, entityType: string } instead of {Id: string, FirstName: string, ProfileImageUri: string, EntityType: string}. See the typescript interface for details.

NOTE: set options.assignable to true to use the "Search assignable Users/Groups/Channels" instead of searching for all users


user.subscribe(id, type)

user.unsubscribe(id, type)



user.loginReport(sortField?, sortOrder?)

video.setTitle(videoId, title) - Use PATCH API to change a video's title



video.upload(file, metadata, options?) - alias to


video.playbackInfo(videoId) - Get Playback Url (basic info about video)

video.playbackUrls(videoId, options?, requestOptions?)





video.migrate(videoId, migratePayload), options?)

video.downloadTranscription(videoId, language)

video.downloadSupplemental(videoId, fileId)



video.listExternalAccess(videoId, searchText?, searchOptions?) - Get External Access

video.createExternalAccess(videoId, {emails, message?, noEmail?}) - Add External Access

video.renewExternalAccess(videoId, {emails, noEmail?})

video.deleteExternalAccess(videoId, {emails})

video.revokeExternalAccess(videoId, {emails})

video.waitTranscode(videoId, options?) - wait for a video to finish transcoding

video.trim(videoId, removedSegments)


video.patch(videoId, operations){ videoIds?, startDate?, endDate?, sortDirection? }) - Get Video Report

NOTE: The API only allows searching for 12 months of data at a time. This wrapper function will split up the requests to allow for a larger range of days.

video.uniqueSessionsReport(videoId, { userId?, startDate?, endDate?, sortDirection? }), options?) - Search for videos

  • query: See API Docs for available search options
  • options: Optional, Additional options for request
  • options.maxResults: number, set the maximum number of results to return.
  • options.onProgress: (items: <array>, current, total) => void - callback for each time a page is queried from Rev.
  • options.onScrollExpired: (err: ScrollError) => void - Search results use a scrollID cursor that expires after 1-5 minutes from first request. If the scrollID expires then onScrollExpired will be called with a ScrollError. Default behavior is to throw the error.
Returns - class SearchRequest

This method returns a SearchRequest object, that includes the following methods:

  • .exec() - Get all results as an array
  • .nextPage() - { current, total, items, done } - Get the search results one page at a time
  • [async iterator] - The class also implements AsyncIterator, so can be used as a Stream or using for await
// get the 10 most recent videos that match 'puppy' in the tags/keywords field
const request ={ q: 'puppies', searchField: 'tags', sortField: 'whenUploaded', sortDirection: 'desc' }, { maxResults: 10 });
const results = await request.exec();

// get ALL videos in the account and report their title, reporting progress and ignoring errors
const request =, {
	onProgress(items, current, total) {
		console.log(`PROGRESS: ${current}-${current + items.length} of ${total}`);
	onScrollExpired(err) {
		console.warn('Error while getting video results, ignoring: ', err);
for await (let video of request) {
	console.log(`Video ${}: ${video.title} | duration: ${video.duration}`);

webcast.list(options?), options?)



webcast.edit(eventId, event)


webcast.editAccess(eventId, entities)

webcast.attendees(eventId, runNumber?, options?)

webcast.questions(eventId, runNumber?)

webcast.pollResults(eventId, runNumber?)

webcast.comments(eventId, runNumber?)


webcast.isPublic(eventId) - returns true/false

webcast.playbackUrls(eventId, options?, requestOptions?)

webcast.playbackUrl(eventId, options?) DEPRECATED - use webcast.playbackUrls

webcast.startEvent(eventId, preProduction?)

webcast.stopEvent(eventId, preProduction?)





webcast.linkVideo(eventId, videoId, autoRedirect?)


webcast.guestRegistration(eventId, registrationId)

webcast.createGuestRegistration(eventId, registration)

webcast.updateGuestRegistration(eventId, registrationId, registration)

webcast.patchGuestRegistration(eventId, registrationId, registration)

webcast.deleteGuestRegistration(eventId, registrationId)

webcast.listGuestRegistrations(eventId, query, options)




zones.edit(zoneId, zone)




The library exposes some additional utilities:

utils.rateLimit(fn: async function, options) or rateLimit(options)

The Rev API includes rate limiting for some API endpoints. If you exceed the limit then you'll receive a 429 error response. This function can help to automatically avoid that threshold.

See the API Documentation on Rate Limiting for current limits.

  • fn: function to be rate-limited
  • options:
    • fn: function to be rate-limited (if not set as first argument)
    • perSecond: set limit to X executions per second
    • perMinute: set limit to X executions per minute
    • perHour: set limit to X executions per hour
    • limit: allow limit executions per interval milliseconds
    • interval: allow limit executions per interval milliseconds
    • signal: AbortSignal to cancel all pending executions.

Wrapped function with same arguments as passed in fn, with added:

  • .abort() - cancel all pending executions
import { RevClient, rateLimit } from '@vbrick/rev-client';
const rev = new RevClient(options);

// assumes this tool is only tool in the account using API uploads
const throttledUpload = rateLimit({
	fn: (...args) =>,
	perMinute: 30

const numberOfVideos = 100;
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfVideos; i++) {
	// same arguments as
	const videoId = await throttledUpload(file, {title: `video ${i}`, uploader: `my.username` });

utils.getExtensionForMime(contentType, defaultExtension?)

Get the expected extension for a mime-type supported by Rev for upload. If none found it will return the defaultExtension (or .mp4 if none specified)

utils.getMimeForExtension(extension?, defaultType?)

Get the expected mime-type for the specified extension (.ext). If none found it will return the defaultType (or video/mp4 if none specified)

utils.setPolyfills(callback: (polyfills) => (void | Promise<void>))

Allows overriding the underlying network primitives used by this library, in particular fetch. This function expects a callback that is called before the first network request is made, to allow lazy load of any dependencies.

import {RevClient, utils} from '@vbrick/rev-client';

utils.setPolyfills(async (polyfills) => {
	console.log('Overriding polyfills');

	// dynamic import, which works in ESM or commonjs modules
	const {fetch} = await import('undici');
	Object.assign(polyfills, {

const rev = new RevClient(...args);

await rev.connect(); // setpolyfills triggered here

Error Classes


Custom error returned for error status code responses


  • status: number - http status code
  • url: string - original URL of request
  • code: string - Rev-specified error string, for example MalformedRequest, RequiredFieldMissing or InvalidFileType
  • detail: string - Additional details about error (if passed).


Custom error returned if a paged search request has expired (usually because more than 1 minute has passed between requests for more pages of data)


This code is distributed "as is", with no warranty expressed or implied, and no guarantee for accuracy or applicability to your purpose.


Vbrick Rev API client for browser and server







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