This is Vbrick's JavaScript SDK library that enables you to embed Vbrick Rev webcasts and videos (also known as Video on Demand or VOD) on your website, portal, or any web-based application using JavaScript code. The SDK currently supports interaction with the webcast and video player. We will support full webcast and video features including slides, chats, Q&A, polls, and other video functionality, etc via this SDK in the future.
This library will soon add REST API functionality. This may introduce breaking changes, which will be outlined in the Changelog
The JavaScript SDK can be accessed via <script>
tag in your HTML. Set the src attribute to
or import for ES6 module.
<script src=""></script>
<script type="module">
import revSdk from "";
If you use npm, then you can run
npm install @vbrick/rev-sdk
npm install
npm run build
On your web page, you can insert an embedded webcast using an empty div tag. You will have to reference the div id when you interact with the SDK.
<div id="embed"></div>
Embedding a webcast requires you to pass the following parameters to the embedWebast function
- Either a CSS selector string or HTML div element where the embed content will be rendered
- Rev Webcast Id
- Webcast Config which consists of the following individual parameters
- token (type=object, Required): Token for the user who is watching the webcast, which can be unique for each embed
- type (type=string, Required): Set to 'JWT' for JSON Web Token, 'AccessToken' for an OAuth or API token, or 'GuestRegistration' for a token generated using the Guest Registration APIs.
- value (type=string, Required): Value of the token
- issuer (type=string): Issuer of the token.
- baseUrl (type=string, Required): Your Rev URL
- className (type=string, Optional): CSS classes if you want to include to the embed iFrame
- width (type=string, Optional): iframe width if you want to overwrite the default responsive behavior
- height (type=string, Optional): iframe height if you want to overwrite the default responsive behavior
- showVideo (type=boolean, Optional, Default:true): to control display of video player or not. It's more useful for future release once we add Webcast Q&A, Polls, Chat features to the SDK.
- log (type=boolean, Optional, Default:false): If set to true, you can get additional browser console log. You may need additional logging during your development and troubleshooting
- token (type=object, Required): Token for the user who is watching the webcast, which can be unique for each embed
const webcastId = '<<WEBCAST_ID>>';
const jwtToken = {
type: 'JWT',
issuer: '<<ISSUER>>',
value: '<<JWT_TOKEN>>'
const webcast = revSdk.embedWebcast('#embed', webcastId, {
baseUrl: 'https://<<YOUR_REV_URL>>',
token: jwtToken,
log: true
You can listen for events in the webcast by adding a callback using .on(). See example below
webcast.on('broadcastStarted', function() {
// handle this event
- broadcastStarted
- broadcastStopped
- webcastStarted
- webcastEnded
- error
You can stop listening for the events using .off(). See example below'broadcastStarted', handlerFunction);
You can get the status of the webcast using status variable. See example below
const webcastStatus = webcast.webcastStatus;
- Broadcasting
- Completed
- Error
- InProgress
- Loading
- Scheduled
You can remove the webcast from the DOM by calling destroy method.
You can embed a video just like a webcast using an empty div tag.
<div id="embed"></div>
Use the embedVideo method to display the video on your web page:
const videoId = '01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF';
const token = {
type: 'AccessToken',
issuer: 'vbrick',
value: '<<Token Value>>'
const vbrickEmbed = revSdk.embedVideo('#embed', videoId, {
log: true,
baseUrl: 'https://<<YOUR_REV_URL>>',
Use the .on method to watch for events about the video:
const onVideoLoaded = data => console.log(`Video loaded: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
vbrickEmbed.on('videoLoaded', onVideoLoaded);
Use the .off method to stop listening for events:'videoLoaded', onVideoLoaded);;
- videoLoaded
- playerStatusChanged
- Buffering
- Ended
- Initializing
- Paused
- Playing
- Seeking
- volumeChanged
- seeked
- error
"accentColor": "ff0000",
"autoplay" : true,
"forcedCaptions": false,
"hideCaptions": false,
"hideChapters" : false,
"hideFullscreen": false,
"playInLoop": true,
"hideOverlayControls": false,
"hidePlayControls": false,
"hideSettings": false,
"popOut": false,
"startAt": "00m10s"
You can get the status of the video using status variable, this reflects the latest playerStatusChanged event. See example below
You can remove the webcast from the DOM by calling destroy method.
You can remove the video from the DOM by calling destroy method.