This port of RxPM library based on Reaktive.
- Ported RxPM to Reaktive
- Worked Android sample
- Worked iOS sample
- Implemented control to deal with permissions
- Implementation of RetainMode at
need some consultation about controllers hierarchy and approaches to manage navigation at iOS
root build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url = "" }
project build.gradle
dependencies {
// main library
// permissions module
Podfile for iOS app, not sure but should work
pod 'MultiPlatformLibraryRpm', :git => '', :tag => 'release/0.2.0-beta'
- Port RxBinding to Reaktive
- Port AdapterDelegate to KMP, already have version without rx, need to create iOS implementation.
- Add controls for location, pagination, working with map and ect.
- Create interfaces for existing control bindings to simplify implementation in custom views
- KMP clustering based on GoogleMapUtils, already have Kotlin port, without dependency on map provider. Currently in private repo.