GitHub dotnet test
logger without political shit.
Warning The logger is supposed to be used from within a GitHub Workflow.
dotnet add package GitHub.VsTest.Logger --version *-*
dotnet test --logger "github"
Because technologies must be shared without the idiotic crap in their licenses.
<PackageReference Include="GitHub.VsTest.Logger" Version="*-*" PrivateAssets="All" IncludeAssets="runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers" />
# with creation annotations via output commands
dotnet test --logger "github;name=unit-tests"
# or via Octokit (it's necessary if a workflow is triggered on "pull_request" or issue_comment, we should provide the real `sha` to the logger)
dotnet test --logger "github;name=unit-tests;GITHUB_TOKEN=${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }};GITHUB_SHA=$sha"
Parameters can be set with the command line args, or through environment variables.
We took all default variables from default github actions environment variables
and add name
. All parameters are defined here.
After test run the logger produce a GitHub Workflow step variable summary
, which you can use in your workflow.
You can also view how we use it in our workflows.