Display your latest mails in a RSS feed
This PHP script allow you to display your last 20 mails from your inbox as a RSS feed.
No database needed nor external lib ;)
You SHOULD have the "imap" lib activate on your server (see http://www.php.net/manual/fr/imap.requirements.php) !
- Change the user-defined constants on the beggining of the file (server address, login, password, port, etc)
- Upload the file (mail2rss.php) on your web hosting
- Display it on your browser with the correct token parameter (e.g. http://yourwebhost.com/mail2rss.php?token=YOUR_TOKEN)
- Enjoy the feed !
- 0.1 alpha :
- Initial release
- Add some parameters to configure the feed (number of mails, sorting, disabling images, etc)
- Add an UI to configure the script
- Better security ?
- Auto-detect the server's configuration based on the host
- Add comments !
- Kevin VUILLEUMIER (http://kevinvuilleumier.net)
See "LICENCE" file on the same directory.