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Releases: venerjoel99/TarProject

Added C++ version

26 Dec 22:36
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A C++ version of the program is written and included in the repository under a new project folder. The new version supports input files with sizes larger than 2 GB.

Optimizing patch

18 Aug 04:25
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  • Quicker runtime by lessening calls to fseek() in copy() function

Some output changes and performance optimizations

17 Aug 19:28
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  1. The time in seconds the tar cleaner takes to clean the file is now outputted
  2. The MB progress outputs are taken out
  3. End of tar file checks are now performed.
  4. Files up to 4 GB are valid.

Minor bug fix

17 Aug 03:59
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Fixed ustar checker function to work with computer generted tar files and not just smartphone generated tar files

More optimization version

17 Aug 03:08
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  1. Runtime down to a few seconds

First working version

17 Aug 01:26
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This is the first working version of the tar cleaner project

Slightly optimized Version

17 Aug 02:03
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  1. Bigger copying block sizes
  2. Less calls to string searches, yielding faster runtime.
    Note: Only use when it is certain that leaked strings only happen between 512-byte blocks of actual tar file content