Releases: venerjoel99/TarProject
Releases · venerjoel99/TarProject
Added C++ version
A C++ version of the program is written and included in the repository under a new project folder. The new version supports input files with sizes larger than 2 GB.
Optimizing patch
- Quicker runtime by lessening calls to fseek() in copy() function
Some output changes and performance optimizations
- The time in seconds the tar cleaner takes to clean the file is now outputted
- The MB progress outputs are taken out
- End of tar file checks are now performed.
- Files up to 4 GB are valid.
Minor bug fix
Fixed ustar checker function to work with computer generted tar files and not just smartphone generated tar files
More optimization version
- Runtime down to a few seconds
First working version
This is the first working version of the tar cleaner project
Slightly optimized Version
- Bigger copying block sizes
- Less calls to string searches, yielding faster runtime.
Note: Only use when it is certain that leaked strings only happen between 512-byte blocks of actual tar file content