This is a rehype plugin built for Astro that aims to transform relative links in MD and MDX files into their final output paths.
🚨 This is experimental and build exclusively for Astro. I have made a couple assumptions. They are:
- You are rendering a static site (i.e. not using SSR)
- You have a content collection(s) residing at
- (Fixed v0.17.0) You have a page that renders the above content collection at
- You can now map your content collection to paths that don't match your content collection directory name. See docs for more information.
If you have a markdown files at src/content/blog/
with the content of:
[relative link](./
The resulting HTML should be:
<a href="/blog/other-markdown">relative link</a>
It supports links with Query Strings and Hashes (e.g. [relative link](./
yarn add astro-rehype-relative-markdown-links
import rehypeAstroRelativeMarkdownLinks from "astro-rehype-relative-markdown-links";
// ...everything else
export default defineConfig({
// ...everything else
markdown: {
rehypePlugins: [rehypeAstroRelativeMarkdownLinks],
See documentation for more information on the available configuration options.
To set custom options, pass an object to the plugin like below:
const options = {
// ...
export default defineConfig({
// ...everything else
markdown: {
rehypePlugins: [[rehypeAstroRelativeMarkdownLinks, options]],
Tested with Node.js v18, v20, v22 and Astro >=2 <6.
- MacOS (Ventura)
- Windows (Windows 11)
- Linux (Debian 11)
- I'm currently using this in my blog. Use it as an example if it's easier!
- This rehype plugin was called
in the past. I've changed this due to rehype's naming guidelines.
Using Yarn in example (sorry).
DEBUG=astro-rehype-relative-markdown-links yarn build
# or
DEBUG=astro-rehype-relative-markdown-links yarn dev
In PR #3 (based on issue #2), special case handling of index files was
added where the index
would be stripped from the URL. For example, src/content/collection/dir/
would be
transformed into /collection/dir
. This functionality was applied to
files both at the content collection
root and content collection subdirectories.
In PR #17, applying this functionality to
at the collection root was removed based on the way Astro handles content at site/collection root vs. subdirectories
(see this issue).
If you want to have your collection root
be transformed without the index
slug, utilitize
the slug frontmatter option provided by
Astro setting your slug to empty string (''
) and ensure your getStaticPaths()
returns undefined
for the slug of
the content collection root