Programming with Mosh
JavaScript w/ type checking A porgamming language(created by Microsoft) to address shortcomings of JavaScript
- Every JavaScript file is a valid TypeScript file(TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript)
- TypeScript offers Static typing, Code completion, Refactoring, Shorthand notations
- Drwbacks: Compilation(browsers don't understand TypeScript), Discipline in coding
Recommand to use TypeScript in a medium to large project
- Install node.js
- Open a terminal window and enter
npm i -g typescript
means install it globally so we can access it in every directory - Enter
tsc -v
to check the TypeScript version you install
Enter tsc index.js
(or npx tsc index.js
) to get the transpilated JavaScript file.
let age: number = 20;
age = 'a' // type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
Transpilate following program
let age: number = 20;
to the following JavaScript file
var age = 20;
Enter tsc --init
in terminal
: version of JavaScript the compilor generate(es2016 is a safe option)module
: present the current folder(./src
)- In convention, we put our source code into a separate folder(src folder)
: output JavaScript file(./dist
: generate JavaScript code without commentnoEmitOnError
won't generate JavaScript when TypeScript code has error Entertsc
to compile all the TypeScript file Additional: Some important settings
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "ES5", // 編譯後的JavaScript程式碼版本
/* Modules */
"module": "CommonJS", // 編譯後產生的模組形式 (註:設定為commonjs通常是為了能讓程式在Node上執行)
"rootDir": "./src", // 設定編譯根目錄
/* JavaScript Support */
"allowJs": true, // 允許js檔案是否被TypeScript Compilet檢查 (官方建議可設"checkJs"為true來取得錯誤報告)
"checkJs": true, // 會對js檔案進行型別檢查且輸出錯誤報告
/* Emit */
"sourceMap": true, // 可建立來源檔案與輸出的js檔案關係map
"outDir": "./public", // 編譯器編譯後的js檔案放置處 (註:public通常是要部署專案到伺服器用的資料夾)
"removeComments": true, // 不會輸出註解
"noEmit": true, // 可避免輸出不符型別檢查的js檔案, 例如Day 1的string型態變數再賦值number值的範例
/* Interop Constraints */
"esModuleInterop": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, // 對import進來的模組檔名強制作大小寫轉換, 可避免如 import LearnTS.ts 寫成 import learnTS.ts 的大小寫錯誤
/* Type Checking */
"strict": true
"noImplicitAny": true // 不允許未指定型別的變數
"alwaysStrict":true // 採用JavaScript嚴格模式檢查型別, 並且會在輸出的每一份JS檔案首行加上 "use strict"
"files": ["type.ts", "type.spec.ts"], // 編譯檔案白名單, 意即指定要編譯的檔案 (不可用glob指定檔案或資料夾)
"include": ["src"], // 編譯白名單, 意即指定要編譯的檔案和資料夾
"exclude": ["node_modules", "**/*.spec.ts"] // 編譯黑名單, 意即指定不要編譯的檔案和資料夾
Enable sourceMap
in configuration file
: Specify how each line of TypeScript code maps to the generated JavaScript code Entertsc
to compile TypeScript code again, you can find a file in the dist folder(the context is for the machine)
To debug the following TypeScript code:
let age: number = 20;
if (age < 50)
age += 10;
- Set a breakpoint at line 1(execute stop at line 1)
- Go to Run and Debug(
) in VS Code and click on "create a launch.json file" to get the following JSON file:
"configurations": [
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Launch Program",
"skipFiles": [
"program": "${workspaceFolder}\\src\\index.ts",
"outFiles": [
- Add
"preLaunchTask": "tsc: build - tsconfig.json"
"configurations": [
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Launch Program",
"skipFiles": [
"program": "${workspaceFolder}\\src\\index.ts",
"preLaunchTask": "tsc: build - tsconfig.json",
"outFiles": [
- Go to Run and Debug and click on "Launch"(
JavaScript | TypeScript |
number | any |
string | unknown |
boolean | never |
null | enum |
undefined | tuple |
object |