Lysand 0.5
0.5 • Major Stability Fixes
Lysand 0.5 brings greatly improved stability, better route validation and a fully updated shiny frontend.
- Lysand-FE now supports login, timelines, users, following, sending posts, replies, quotes and more
- File uploads have been fixed and will no longer break
- Federation improvements with more data federated
- Login will no longer randomly break
- All media is now proxied to avoid data leakage
- Lysand Protocol version has been updated to 3.0 (for what was already working)
Lysand-FE is developed separately from Lysand Server, but they are designed to work together so its releases are published here.
Notable issues still present:
- Kaiteki and Elk still do not work properly. For Kaiteki, this is due to using odd URIs during the login process (fixable on our end): for Elk, this seems to be on their end, I can't really debug it.
As always, please report any bugs you may find.