We forked Zora's metadata fetcher architechture + adding all the features and customizations we needed to be able to index all NFTs from any contract and fit our NFT indexer.
Feel free to use it and contribute.
npm install @musedao/nft-fetch-metadata
const Fetcher = require("@musedao/nft-fetch-metadata");
let rpc = `https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/${process.env.ALCHEMY}`;
const infuraIPFS = "https://ipfs.infura.io:5001/api/v0/cat?arg="; //optional to pass ipfs node that works good, otherwise use a public one.
let options = [, , infuraIPFS, , rpc];
const fetch = new Fetcher(...options);
const tokenUri = await fetch.fetchTokenURI(
const nft = await fetch.fetchMetadata(
"0xa3518c1008698082057f3c0d49a67683265df6e5", //loot
method: "post",
auth: process.env.INFURA_IPFS,
// responseType: "arraybuffer",
// responseEncoding: "binary",
The package has many more useful functions, examples are wip.