# Deploy infra
# Create subnet for privatelinks in aks vnet
# Create privatelink manually for blob and dfs in new privatelink subnet with static ip
# Fix IPs in values.yaml if needed
# Deploy a tenant
./install_tenant acmeoverseas
- network isolation
- network policies tweaking
- nginx ingress
- appgw ingress
- secrets.. csi + keyvault pipelines etc
- populate identity for keyvault rbac
- [-] dynamically add environments from some central single source of truth?
- multiple deployments and services, test connectivity, and policies
- wif testing with datalake
- create users in db, add secrets to kv etc.. maybe test this with postgres instead
- privatelink to db... do we want this or a service endpoint? costs a bit
- privatelink setup automagically? if its worth it..
- start adding stuff to env... not secrets but endpoints etc
- internal everything
- keda and scaledjobs
- variable and parameter cleanup
- ... more
- Acme Overseas acmeoverseas
- Acme Drilling acmedrilling
- Acme MegaCorp acmemegacorp
# Installing a tenant in AKS using script with tenant name as parameter, eg:
./install_tenant acmeoverseas
./install_tenant acmedrilling
# Uninstall a tenant
./uninstall_tenant acmeoverseas
./uninstall_tenant acmedrilling