Meemoo's implementation of CloudEvents.
Very much a work in progress. Currently only hosted on meemoo's internal artefact repository. Contact the dev-team for more information.
Support for:
- CloudEvents v1.0 only,
- Python 3.8+ only.
Two protocol bindings are implemented:
- Pulsar
Package meemoo-cloudevents
can be installed with pip:
$ pip install meemoo-cloudevents \
--extra-index-url \
Note: for now, the pip-package is not publicly hosted but only available through meemoo's internal repository.
The CloudEvents' API in meemoo's implementation differs in a number of ways from the official SDK:
- event-attributes is a class instead of a dict,
- protocol bindings are implemented with a different API,
- some more attributes are required (not least, a correlation ID).
For the examples using Pulsar, you need the Python Pulsar client:
$ pip install pulsar-client
import pulsar
from cloudevents import Event, EventOutcome, EventAttributes, PulsarBinding, CEMessageMode
# Create a CloudEvent
# - The CloudEvent "id" is generated if omitted. "specversion" defaults to "1.0".
attributes = EventAttributes(type="be.meemoo.sample-event",
data = {"message": "Hello World!"}
event = Event(attributes, data)
# Creates a Pulsar message of the CloudEvent in structured content mode
msg = PulsarBinding.to_protocol(event, CEMessageMode.STRUCTURED)
# Open a Pulsar-connection and send the message to a topic
client = pulsar.Client("pulsar://sample.pulsar.url:6650")
producer = client.create_producer("be.meemoo.sample-event", producer_name="sample-app")
msg_id = producer.send(, properties=msg.attributes,
# Close the client
import pulsar
from cloudevents import Event, EventOutcome, EventAttributes, PulsarBinding, CEMessageMode
# Open a Pulsar-connection and start consuming messages from a topic
client = pulsar.Client("pulsar://sample.pulsar.url:6650")
consumer = client.subscribe("be.meemoo.sample-event", subscription_name="sample-app")
incoming_msg = consumer.receive()
# We can now create a CloudEvent from the incoming message.
# Note, we don't need to explicitly specify the content mode as this is inferred
# from the messages Content-Type
event = PulsarBinding.from_protocol(incoming_msg)
# Close the client