Course Project for Probabilistic Graphical Models (10-708) at CMU
Team Members:
- Vibhakar Mohta ([email protected])
- Praveen Venkatesh ([email protected])
- Build Docker:
docker build -t pgm_project .
- Start docker by running
Now, the following experiments can be run:
cd c-swm/
python data_gen/ --env_id ShapesTrain-v0 --fname data/shapes_train.h5 --num_episodes 1000 --seed 1 --history_length 1
python data_gen/ --env_id ShapesEval-v0 --fname data/shapes_eval.h5 --num_episodes 10000 --seed 1 --history_length 1
python --dataset data/shapes_train.h5 --name shapes --decoder
python --dataset data/shapes_train.h5 --name shapes
First train the VAE. Ensure that you have generated the dataset as per the c-swm section above.
python --environment shapes
To train the Latent Diffusion model, first change the config file to point to the correct VAE model to be loaded as the encoder decoder pair. Then, train the LDM using:
python --environment shapes --expt_name expt_name
Evaluation can be done by running:
python analysis/
Ensure that you change the config to the correct model weight locations.